Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What is my purpose??

The last few months, one of my biggest struggles is figuring out what my purpose is. What is the purpose of my current season of life?? Obviously, part of it is taking care of Jacob. At least, I hope so, because that's what I'm doing most of the time!! But I keep wondering if there's something more that I'm missing. Am I supposed to be reaching out more than I am to other mom's? Am I supposed to be devoting my spare time to other things than watching The Closer??

I would think anyone would say that there are more important things than The Closer! HA. But what else is out there? What am I missing? Even when I was working, this weighed heavily on me. I feel like doctors and nurses have the purpose of saving lives every day. My husband's purpose is to educate students and prepare them for the real world. And although my purpose is important, it doesn't feel like it's enough.

Isn't that silly? Raising a child isn't "enough"? Shouldn't I know by now that the most important job anyone can ever have is to raise a child?? But there is something in me that tells me it's not important enough. Maybe it's because it will never land me on a television show, no one will ever give me a Pulitzer (let's be honest, I had to google that to spell it correctly), and I'll never be a CEO. Is this what I think real success is? Is real success being recognized by the world?? Because a mother is most usually not recognized by the above things. The only person who recognizes their work is the child themselves.

So, what is your purpose?? And Mom, THANK YOU for raising me!!!!!


  1. I have struggled with this same question. The problem with this is that it leads to anguish in your life. The thing that I had to remember was that we all have a purpose even if it's not glamorous. What would our country be like if we had no garbage men? Telephone operators? Truck drivers? Mothers?? These jobs are no more or less important than any other. There is purpose in all of them...the system breaks down without even one of them. Thanks for bringing this up. Hope I helped. It's always a good reminder for me too. :-)

  2. The reason that it seems that it's not important enough is because the world is telling you that it's not important enough. But then before you know it your child is grown up and your one on one time with them is behind you and they've grow into wonderful children that you are so proud of. It's then you will realize that that was the most important thing you could have ever done and the most rewarding. And then when they thank you -- well it doesn't get better than that. You're welcome!!! Love you!!

  3. Have to agree with Charles...Enjoy these years while Jacob is young. Decide what is going to make you happiest down the road...work towards that and then when Jacob goes to school, follow those dreams and ambitions. I will pray for you that God will give you some comfort in this dilema. Love you!

  4. God has blessed you to be the mother of a baby for this season, Liz...embrace it! Ask God and he will give you the ability to do that "job" better than you ever could on your own. Every day is a gift...every single day...I would do well to be reminded of that more often! Enjoy each day you have with Josh and Jacob and striving to be the best wife and mom you can be. It is such an honor to serve them! That is your purpose...for this season. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! We'll miss seeing you!
