Friday, February 25, 2011


Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit!! Yay!! I'm so excited!! And grandma likes to change diapers and feed baby boy.  I think she just likes to spend time with him, rather than change his diaper!  Anyway, I love having visitors.  It's so fun!  And it's the one time I actually clean.  And dust.  Boy do I have lots of dust bunnies.  Sometimes I think it's better if they just stay put.

I used to stress about visitors.  Now I excitedly anticipate them.  The chance to talk with adults!!  Oh joy!! And relax a bit.  I'm so very very very excited!  I keep looking at the clock and waiting for my phone call that says they are almost here.  Come on grandma and grandpa!!!!!!  It might also be that they're taking us out to eat.  That always gets me excited.

So if you're ever in the area and want to visit, please stop by!!  I'd love the company!! 

What's your favorite part of having visitors??

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Caution: Toys everywhere!!!

The past few days, Jacob has figured out some pretty neat things.  He can now sit up on his own, pull himself up to a standing position, and get back down on the floor.  Although this is awesome, this also means he can pretty much go anywhere in the room.  This means there is a path of destruction in my living room at all times.  Yes, I know this is only the beginning.  And I'm assuming at some point I'll teach him to pick up after himself. 

So my goal is to frantically clean the floor before Josh gets home.  I'll let Jacob scatter his toys everywhere during the day and do a quick cleanup around 6pm.  Luckily, so far I've been able to do a clean sweep each night before Josh shows up.  I'm waiting for the one day that he comes home early and I am drastically unprepared.  Or the one missing block that didn't make it back into the fire truck and is stuck in some odd place.

I'm very excited to teach Jacob to clean up after himself.  I can't wait for him to crawl back behind odd places to retrieve things he put there hours ago.  And then I can tell him to clean up minutes before daddy comes home while I try to put together some dinner.  Yes, this is turning into a good plan.  A plan that I'm sure will fail!

Do you have any tips for teaching clean-up? Or any funny stories to share???

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Well, hello Kentucky...

My hiatus from blogging is primarily due to the fact that my husband stole my computer.  Ok, technically it is his too.  But we all know the truth.  And I was not going into the other room while baby was sleeping.  That's just asking for it.  But thankfully he got home early this morning (1:45am!) so I now have my beloved computer back.  Thank goodness!

Some of you may be wondering where he went.  Well, let me answer that for you.  He had a job interview in Kentucky.  Yep, I said Kentucky.  I've tried to tell him a few times when he started applying that I wasn't willing to move.  But, since my child is my job, technically it's mobile.  And as a dear friend was once told, "Home is where your family is."  So basically I have no say.  Yep.  We definitely thought it would be better for Jacob and I to stay home, since it was an 8.5 hour drive and Josh needed to sleep before the interview.  As well as what we do for hours on end???

So we have about a month or more before we hear back.  My main decision is based on the caliber of restaurants in the area.  I've told Josh that there must be an Olive Garden.  And, there is!  Less than 5 minutes from campus.  Maybe this won't be so bad??  I feel like if I live in Kentucky I have to own a horse.  Forget that second car!  Jacob can hold on tight as we gallop down the road....

I need some words of wisdom, advice and experience!  What influences your decision to move???

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pride goeth before the fall???

Today, I am proud to announce that for 80% of the week I have worn jeans.  And the one day doesn't count because I went walking.  This is a very proud moment for me!!!!!! I have finally (mostly) overcome the desire to be in sweats every single day of my life.  Now that I talk about it, it makes me want to go change!!  I guess I'm just waiting for this pride to turn into a fall.  We'll see what happens next week!

Don't worry, though.  I'm still wearing t-shirts.  I think that's the next level.  You start with jeans, you transition to nice shirts, and then the heels show back up in your life.  I don't think I'll ever get to that last step.  High heels are torture devices!  But I'm always jealous of the ladies who wear them and look like they came from a fashion magazine.  I am 100% sure there is no fashion magazine detailing what I wear.  And if they are, they're not going to make it far in the business.

Now that summer is here (yes, I know it's supposed to snow next week) I've decided that t-shirts are appropriate wear for outside my apartment.  At least I'm not in sweats, right?? HA! And I did my hair.  That makes it a successful day!!

What stage are you in?? 

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So today is like manna from heaven.  It is GORGEOUS outside!!!!!! I had the windows down in the car, we played in the grass and we're going for a walk later today.  How can you NOT love it out there?!?! Oh my goodness!  It makes me want to frolic outside.  That's right, I said frolic.  I know secretly you love that word.

So today was our first experience in the grass.  I took out a blanket just to ease the transition to the grass.  He seemed very interested at first, touching the grass and such.  So I moved him right onto the grass.  Bad idea.  It was pretty much over at that point.  He started crying and trying to crawl into my lap.  And then I made it worse by making him stand in the grass.  Whooooa.  Bad idea mom.  Eventually got him distracted with a leaf.  I think he may have tried to touch the grass a few more times, and he definitely tried to eat some of it.  But he didn't last more than 10 minutes.

I love seeing him explore something new or try something for the first time.  Whether it's food or grass, that excitement and bewilderment is such an exciting thing to see!  I love the wide eyes.  I hate the times though that he looks fearful.  I'm glad that I can be there in those moments to comfort him and walk him through the fear.  Although sometimes I'm pretty sure I reinforce the fear!  I have to admit, I'm nervous for the spiders to show up.  I think he'll go after them and I'll scream and try and kill it.  I guess that will be a post for the future!

What was your favorite thing to introduce to your child??

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Naps are beautiful!!

I had promised you blogs all week, and I failed yesterday.  That's only day two.  I have a bad record so far!!  The problem?  I decided to nap.  I figured there was no way I could make it to date time without a few moments of rest.  But the few moments turned into a solid 2 hours.  And I woke up on my own.  Jacob slept for 3 hours.  WHOA!  I have to say, it was the best nap we've had since he's been born.  Oh I love naps!

There's just something so wonderful as having the time and ability to crawl back into bed, hide under the covers, and snooze.  Just typing about it makes me want to go take one right now!  I think my biggest fear currently about having another child is the lack of naps that will happen.  I can't nap if both babes aren't napping!!  I might have to teach Jacob to play by himself so when I can nap when the next one comes.  Or we're going to have to invest in afternoon daycare.  For some reason, I don't think Josh will be receptive to that.

I think part of me has accepted that after the birth of the next child, naps will be a thing of the past.  And that makes me very sad inside.  I guess my hope is that eventually, after all kids are in school, I can get my naps back.  I will be one well-rested mama!  Unfortunately I have a strange feeling I might be working part-time.  No naps for me ever again!  Sadness...

Am I the only one still taking naps???

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day!

Well, if you haven't heard or haven't looked at the calendar, today is Valentine's Day.  This is Jacob's first Valentine's day, and my first as a mommy!  With that being said, I didn't get him anything.  He did get a valentine from a 5 year old, but we're not ready to commit to marriage just yet.  He likes the older women.

I definitely want to create some sort of tradition with him.  So when this day comes around and he has no special woman in his life, he has his momma.  And dad.  Not in the creepy way, or super dependent momma's boy way, ok?  Maybe a little candy in a basket or a fun toy he wants.  Something neat like that.  I want him to be so full of our love that he doesn't need the love that the world gives.  To me, it's important that he sees this day as fun and not torturous.  I don't want him to be a depressed man on this date every year he's single!

I know how I viewed Valentine's Day, and it wasn't in a positive light.  Until I got myself a husband, and now I force him to take me out and buy me flowers.  Funny how that changes!  And even though I want some tradition with Jacob, I still want my dinner out and flowers!  Hopefully Josh will like his present...!

Do you have a tradition on Valentine's Day???

Friday, February 11, 2011

A blogging break...

For the past few days, I've taken a blogging break.  I just didn't have any creativity left in this mind of mine, so I figured instead of rambling, I'd take a few moments to myself.  That, and my child is a cranky monster and I decided to sleep.  Teeth are evil. 

So besides sleeping, I've also been catching up on my social life.  Since it has finally decided to (mostly) stop snowing or having poopy weather, we've been out and about.  Granted, one of the places has been the doctor's, we have had a play date and lunch with friends too.  And next week is already piling up with lots of fun!  Not to mention my massage scheduled for tomorrow... Merry Christmas to me!!!!!! I've got myself an awesome hubby who gets me awesome gift certificates...

So basically I've had a mental vacation.  And it's been lovely.  The sun is finally shining and I don't need to dress like I'm in Siberia (no offense, Sibera family members!).  My mood is definitely lifting since it feels like winter has finally decided it's over.  If it starts to snow again, you may hear my wailing wherever you live.  But I should be back in full blogging mode next week!

What is your favorite mental vacation??

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm ready to resign...

I'm thinking about resigning my job.  I'm ready to tell Josh that I'm giving my two weeks notice.  Please tell me you've felt this way!!!!  Jacob has a cold/fever again.  Bllaaahhh.  Which means super duper fussy baby.  I thought when babes were sick, they were supposed to sleep a lot and cuddle.  Mine does not prefer to do so.  He would rather yell at the top of his lungs and be held while standing.  And frankly, I'm tired!  There's not much sleeping during the night, either.  My oh my.

So with that, I've decided to resign.  I'm going to give my notice and then hopefully hire a nanny.  Then I'll just sit in my room with my brand new TV I bought, drink my chocolate milk, and eat brownies.  That definitely sounds like the life!  Unfortunately, I don't believe my resignation will be accepted.  And frankly, I don't quite want to go back to work and have to use my brain besides labeling colors and shapes and making animal noises.

Let's just hope this fever breaks, the cold disappears and my baby learns to be quieter.  Otherwise, I may no longer be a stay-at-home mom.  Don't worry, I'll keep you updated.  If you know of any part-time, large paying, hardly working jobs, please let me know. 

Have you ever wanted to or tried to resign??

Monday, February 7, 2011

Forgetting to change decorations...

As I sit here typing, I glanced up by our kitchen.  I realized that the Christmas cards we have lined up from family and friends are still there.  We never took them down.  They're just chillin', waiting for some loving.  And they're not getting any.  I completely forgot to take them down.  The tree and snowmen all came down the first full week of January, but not those cards. They're stuck there.

Have you ever had this happen?  You put away the big things, get tired, and decide to put something else away later?  And then it just never happens.  Months go by until you remember, CRAP! It's still there!  So maybe this evening when hubby is home to entertain the babe, I will climb up on a chair and bring those babies down.  Although they do add a touch of happiness and love to the room.  Maybe I'll make Jacob cut out hearts and we'll put those up instead.  That would be a fun project with someone older...

I feel the same thing happens with dishes and containers.  Right now, I have a sippy cup sitting on the counter.  It's washed, empty and ready for some sipping.  But it just sits there.  Obviously I haven't forgotten that one.  Laziness maybe?  Ha! Oh well... Maybe someday I'll remember to put the cards away AND the sippy cup too...

Anything you forgot to put away??

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The enemy: Bottles

Today is Post #101.  That means ya'll have been reading my posts for a way long time now.  Thanks guys!! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

I'm neglecting something mildly important.  It's incredibly important to Jacob, and a pain to me.  Have you guessed what it is yet??  I have to wash bottles.  UGH.  I swear, I'm going to the store and buying 8 more bottles so I have to wash them less.  The problem is then I have more to wash when I wash them! UGH!  I think my pain problem began when I chose a bottle that came apart into six pieces.  That is a lot of pieces to clean.  I see these women washing bottles that have three parts.  I want to steal their bottles.  I'll replace them with my six-parter bottle.  Boo-yah!

I think if someone could invent a small dishwasher that would be primarily for bottles only.  That way the broccoli pieces wouldn't get stuck in the nipple, causing me to re-wash the bottles.  It would sit on my counter next to the formula and rice cereal cans and I could be lazy.  Because, frankly, I like being lazy.  So, someone invent that.  And hurry up.  I want to use it BEFORE Jacob is one!

I guess I better go.  I have approximately two hours before the next feeding.  Uggggggggh.  Bottles are my enemies!

What one invention could make your life easier??

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I may finally save a groundhog...

Not sure if you saw yet, (you should have!) but Punxsutawney Phil DIDN'T see his shadow today.  SPRING IS COMING!!!!!!! Yes, I think this is a questionable way to determine whether spring is actually on its way, but nevertheless I am quite excited if it's true!  In his honor, I've decided not to run over a groundhog the next time I see one.  Thanks Phil!

Anyway, we had a nice taste of early Spring today.  This morning, upon wakening, it was 50 degrees outside.  Yep, you read that right!!  It's now in the 30s again with snow, but for awhile it was gorgeous! Oh how I cannot wait for spring!  To not be stuck in the house 24-7, to get to explore things with Jacob for the first time... I'm so excited!  And to be able to get out of the house without putting on 8 layers and scraping off the windshield.  Oh yay!

Although I do think they need a new plan for detecting spring.  A groundhog? Really? Groundhogs get shot, not predict weather.  Sorry Punxustawney... you'll need something else to draw tourists when I become Queen.  We'll just have to brainstorm on what will be our new "spring detector."  Any ideas??

What was your reaction at Phil's prediction this morning??

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Animals. To buy, or not to buy?

My dear friend Kelly may have done something detrimental to my parenting.  I can't be sure, because Jacob is only 8 months old.  But, you see, Kelly introduced Jacob to animals.  To be specific, two fish.  He is so delighted at them.  When he sees them, he kicks, giggles and gets so excited.  He does this with pretty much any animals that will be still long enough for him to see. 

So after telling Josh about this, he asked if we should get fish.  My immediate response was "NO!"  Yes, it may have been a bit dramatic.  But I know what happens when pets are bought.  The mom takes care of it.  Yes, of course the child will make lofty promises that will fall through within a day.  And, lucky for me, my child won't even make the promises.  I think I'd be ok with a fish except for changing it's water.  I'm pretty sure my gracefulness will come out in full and the fish will end up flopping on the floor and dying.  Along with the fact that all the fish we've ever had have died.  I just don't think it's a good plan.

Eventually I want a family dog.  But it needs to be small and manageable.  So is it worthwhile to start off with something small, relatively easy to take care of?  Or should we just wait until we can get a dog?  Ugh.  Either way, I'm pretty sure the fish will meet the sea via toliet within at least two weeks of having it.

Would you get a pet?? If you have, what's your advice to me??