Friday, February 18, 2011

Pride goeth before the fall???

Today, I am proud to announce that for 80% of the week I have worn jeans.  And the one day doesn't count because I went walking.  This is a very proud moment for me!!!!!! I have finally (mostly) overcome the desire to be in sweats every single day of my life.  Now that I talk about it, it makes me want to go change!!  I guess I'm just waiting for this pride to turn into a fall.  We'll see what happens next week!

Don't worry, though.  I'm still wearing t-shirts.  I think that's the next level.  You start with jeans, you transition to nice shirts, and then the heels show back up in your life.  I don't think I'll ever get to that last step.  High heels are torture devices!  But I'm always jealous of the ladies who wear them and look like they came from a fashion magazine.  I am 100% sure there is no fashion magazine detailing what I wear.  And if they are, they're not going to make it far in the business.

Now that summer is here (yes, I know it's supposed to snow next week) I've decided that t-shirts are appropriate wear for outside my apartment.  At least I'm not in sweats, right?? HA! And I did my hair.  That makes it a successful day!!

What stage are you in?? 


  1. I wore heels last week for the first time least a year. I debated wearing them to church but it was a tad too chilly still to not have cozy socks on.

    So....I always said I would never pay money for jeans that already had holes in matter how trendy or 'in' it became.....

    ....and today I'm wearing jeans with holes in them. In my defense, they were only $6, so at least I didn't pay a lot for them...right??

  2. That's right!! And I agree... heels are ridiculous in winter!!! I'm glad we're on the same page... although you did have heels on recently! LOL
