I've worked out three days in a row now. Three days! And for almost an hour each! The aerobic walking (no chuckles, children) takes 28 minutes and the firming is about a half hour. Honestly, I am sweating like a beast after the first part. And then my muscles are aching by the last part. And the weight is steady. Sure, sure it's muscle. Yep, water weight. Mhmm it'll start going down tomorrow.
ALL LIES. I should be stick thin by now! I should look like a Kardashian sister or a lingerie model. Frankly, just putting in the DVD should make me lose a pound. And since I've put it in three times = 3 pounds! I am so proud of myself for actually working out, but every time the scale doesn't budge or, even worse, goes UP, I want to quit and eat a package of Oreo's. My motivation plummets the minute this happens!
So there's no hope for my muffin top. I believe it will stay intact for 10 years until I convince my husband that a tummy tuck is in order. I'm just going to have to buy huge tops and constantly walk around with my belly button sucked in to my spine (as my coach, Leslie Sansom says every time she yells tummy tuck). And maybe, just maybe, I'll stop eating everything I see. And I will finish that disgusting soup for lunch instead of trading it in for macaroni salad and chips. And yes, that is what I had for lunch.
What issue do you face when dieting? And what's your favorite program/exercise routine to help you keep the muffin top in control??
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