Thursday, January 13, 2011

My guilty pleasure...

A reader recently mentioned that reading my blog is her guilty pleasure (Hi Rachel!)!  It got me thinking... I believe every mom has or should have a guilty pleasure.  I think it's essential for our sanity.  I believe firmly that without a guilty pleasure, we would lose it.  You would see a lot of moms in rooms with padded walls.  And I would definitely be one of them!

I felt the need to share my guilty pleasure.  Usually, it's television.  Currently, it's the Bachelor.  Yes, I know it's ridiculous and filled with crazies.  But I love it.  I love watching the drama unfold and the girls trying to get ahead.  I love the anticipation of the Bachelor picking the girl he wants to marry.  Really? So ridiculous!  There is no way a man can pick a woman through a show to marry for the rest of his life.  I think that's why most don't end up together.  But, it doesn't matter.  I love watching it!!

Josh, on the other hand, sighs, pretends to gag himself and goes to the other room.  Heehee.  I feel the same way about his choice of shows (hockey, football, soccer, basketball, etc.) so I think it's only fair.  I'm just grateful that every once in awhile he lets me actually watch my guilty pleasure!  I'm sure I have more than one, but that's the one that is currently in my mind...

What about you?  What is your guilty pleasure????

1 comment:

  1. Never wanted to admit it, but I watch that too and Steve hates it. And I love psychoanalyzing each woman and saying to myself that it's sad that they're on here looking for a man. And I never want anyone to know that I watch it, but I'll admit it since you did. It's like a little escape to what I think should be unreal. I also love The Biggest Loser, Parenthood, and a selection from NBC's comedy night- The Office, Outsourced, and Parks & Rec....I'm confessing. And when my husband (all too frequently) goes to bed early on Friday and Saturday I like Dateline and 48 Hours Mystery. Somehow all these shows either make me laugh, inspire me, or make me realize how blessed I am.
