Monday, April 18, 2011

Taking a day "off"....

Today, I decided to take the day off.  I was very excited about this.  A whole day where I did nothing except feed and take care of my child.  I was going to put my hair up, stay inside, and take lots of naps.  Lots of them.  This was the plan, but this is not what happened.  Boo.  Apparently, since becoming a mother, a day "off" is not real.  It's an imaginary thing that only childless people actually get to do.  It apparently is a figment of my imagination.

I planned for a leisurely shower this morning while Jacob napped.  This became a screaming shower in 5 minutes since Jacob wouldn't nap and so he was in the room with me.  He apparently does not like this.  Then I needed to go to the grocery store to pick up some things for tomorrow.  And then I ended up vacuuming the living room, cleaning dishes, and getting some things ready for tomorrow.

When did it become that a day "off" is never a day off again??? And is there any way to truly get that day back?  What I wouldn't give to spend the whole day reading a book, napping on and off, and eating chocolate.  I feel like I need to wait until Jacob is in school all day.  Then maybe there's a hope that I can just curl up and spend the day in bed!  I guess I can't complain, because I did get a 3-hour nap!

Maybe I'll get my day "off" in 5 more years...!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Those little pebbles...

Today I took Jacob to the park for his very first time on the swing.  He LOVED it.  Giggled and such.  We did ok until he decided to let go and start putting all his weight forward.  Don't worry, he didn't fall out and that ended our time swinging.  We're going to wait a bit and try again later.  And/or go to another park.  We'll see.  But my main issue with our time at the park was those little pebbles they put on the ground.

I idealistically (is this a word?) thought that flip-flops would be perfect for a day at the park.  Really, they should be perfect.  Jacob even wore his sandals!  But then we got there.  I thought they were supposed to have that nifty, bouncy rubber so kids didn't hurt themselves.  Nevermind the burns you get from the big metal slide.  Anyway... They didn't.  They had pebbles.  Which would be ok, if every time you moved your foot you lost your sandal.  I ended up prancing (yes, prancing) to try and keep the stones away.  Imagine the looks that I received.  Because I got a bunch.

So is there some sort of rule?? Where kids can run is the rubber, but where they swing and slide is the pebbles?? Should I write someone and tell them how uncomfortable the pebbles are?? I mean really, no one hurt themselves.  You just can't walk.  You look like a duck, waddling through to the swings.

By the way, I think I had more fun swinging than he did.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

First Hair Cut!

On Tuesday, I took Jacob for a big first.  We got his haircut for the first time!  I was so excited.  I've decided he's no longer a baby, so I wanted to get rid of the shaggy hair.  It was time for a hair cut!  I've been asking around for months now for a good salon/barber shop that does baby hair.  EVERYONE (except one!) said they cut it themselves.  Seriously??? Where did I find such over-achiever friends??? Dang!  I was {} this close to doing it myself.  And then I remember what irreparable damage I could do to my poor child's head.  So we took him to the place I get my hair cut.  A little pricey, but they did a good job!  Let me know if you want the name...

Jacob did as well as could be imagined.  He had no idea why some lady was touching his hair.  I ended up having to hold his hands because he kept trying to move her hand away when she had scissors.  Not a smart move, baby boy!  We ended up not getting it too short mostly because he wouldn't sit still and somewhat because we didn't want it to stick up too high.  So, here are some pictures!!!



I do not claim to be an excellent picture taker!  They even gave us a little envelope with his hair and information from his haircut.  So exciting!! 

I guess I finally can admit my little baby is now a little boy!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The battle of the shoes...

We've had many battles in the last ten months.  Jacob is finally understanding the word "no" and will actually (at times) turn around or stop doing what he's doing!  Of course, this is on a good, well-rested, not-sick day.  But we have a new battle these days.  The battle of shoes.  To begin with, our kid likes to be naked.  If he's cranky or tired, just strip him down and he finds new energy.  Yes, this is a bit weird.  Yes, it is only our child that is weird.  Not his parents.

So anyway, due to this fact, he hates shirts, pants, socks, diapers and of course, shoes. We are currently fighting the battle of shoes.  I think it's only a few more weeks (maybe months?) until he will actually be walking, so he needs to get used to these things!  The one thing daddy did that seemed to help was actually have Jacob walk outside.  Yesterday, I helped him climb the steps. 

But my favorite thing he does when he gets his shoes on is trying to take them off.  It is absolutely the cutest thing, as long as he doesn't actually pull them off.  He loves to try and pull them off or kick them off.  If it wasn't so torturous, I think I would laugh even more.

Now for him to learn to walk WITH shoes!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Beautiful summer and tornadoes?

Finally!  The warmth has shown up, the flowers and trees are blooming, and I am a happy camper.  Well, mostly.  You see, I saw that Morgantown is now under a tornado warning until 7pm.  For those of you who have lived near tornado's, you will laugh at me.  I'm ok with that.  I'm secure in my paranoia.

The first time this happened was a few weeks ago.  I ended up driving through some pretty bad rain (no one warned me!).  The problem was once I found out.  I will admit, Jacob and I probably spent a half hour in our bathroom that night.  I heard the fire station sirens.  The main problem is, I have no idea what those mean.  So I decided they meant tornado.

I think the worst part is that since we are moving to Kentucky, we will most likely have a lot of warnings and maybe even an actual tornado.  I'm pretty sure Jacob will not enjoy the bathroom as much as he does right now.  And the fact that spending your entire summer in a bathroom is just not enjoyable.  I did try to listen to see if I heard any train sounds.  I'm listening again today.  I'll let you know if they show up.

Anyone actually know what the warning signals are??  And, please tell me someone else spent some time in a bathroom during a warning recently too...

Friday, April 8, 2011

If I forget one more thing...

I swear I belong in a white padded room.  I really am afraid I am losing it.  I think I'm at the edge.  You see, I have been at Kroger 3 times this week, and Target 2 times this week.  And yet, I cannot remember to pick up one, tiny thing.  You see, I need a card for a shower I am hosting tomorrow.  And for the life of me, I cannot seem to remember to pick it up.  Granted, if she doesn't have a card, she won't care.  But, REALLY?! 5 times and I can't remember!!!!!!!

I wish this was a one-time thing.  I wish it never happened to me before.  But honestly, this is a common occurrence.  I have never been at the grocery store as much as I have been in the last week.  I think my memory is actually getting worse.  People will say, oh! Just write it down on a list!  Well, that would be great, folks... IF I remembered to PUT it on the list!  There's some sort of block between my brain and the paper.  I've heard so many tips, and none of them seem to work for me.  I honestly think I need someone to follow me around all day and remind me of every thought I've had. 

I guess I am really just waiting for Jacob to grow up and fill this role in my life.  Since I gave him half of my brain cells, it's only acceptable, right??  I really need those brain cells!  I think they need to start figuring out how to restore the brain cells you lose after each child.  I think I would even participate in the trial run!!

I need some more stories so I know I'm not alone.  What have YOU forgotten???

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What's for dinner??

One of my most difficult tasks is figuring out what to make for dinner.  Really, this should not be that hard!  Most days I want to call for delivery.  Chinese, pizza, subs... whatever means it arrives at the door the way I want it.  I'm pretty sure I need to start buying stock in some of these companies.  Or they should pay me for free advertising.  Either way.

So a few of my goals is to try and plan ahead for meals.  Also, to surf online to find some great recipes.  And there are some serious great blogs out there with great food ideas!  My main problem is the amount of ingredients.  Here's the truth:  If it's more than six ingredients, I'm not going to make it.  And the easier it is, the more likely I'll try it.  For example, I found a recipe for a six can chicken tortilla soup.  You can bet I made that!  DUDE! A meal from six cans??? YES!! It was total jackpot. 

Here's what I want in life.  I want yummy recipes with little to no work.  I believe it's because I'm lazy.  Also, because my child climbs up my legs as I cook.  I have a cookbook called Six Ingredients Or Less.  I think I need to read through it again. 

Anyone have some yummy, simple recipes????

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Reading my novels....

I've mentioned before of my love to read.  How when I pick up a book, it's so very hard for me to put it down until I am done.  I feel the need to expound upon this.  You see, I read a certain kind of book.  It's called Romantic Christian Fiction.  So basically, take away most of the smut, replace it with God, and you've got the story.  I'm not exactly sure when I started reading them, but most likely it was in high school.  And I really haven't stopped.  If you're throwing up in your mouth, please continue reading anyway.

So as very typical when reading these books, I will cry, laugh or smile.  On one evening, I was smiling, and my dear husband looked at me and asked me what was so happy in the book.  I wasn't sure how to say it.  The truth was, they had just gotten married and were ready to share the evening.  I tried to keep it PG!  He asked me how I knew that.  I told him they said it in the book.  This is where the bad part comes.  He said prove it.

I read that part to my husband.  I was giggling like a little school girl.  It sounded so raunchy out loud!!! I guess it's one thing to read it in your mind.  Out loud is just a whole other story.  You should have seen his face.  Oh my!  I think that is the one and only time my husband will ever ask what I am reading, and definitely the only time I will read it to him!  For now, I tell him to mind his own business.  HA!  I already know not to ask him... it will probably be something smart that I don't understand!

Anyone else have this happen to them??????/

Monday, April 4, 2011

Ooooooooo, Kentucky!

I like the Oklahoma song better.  It's so catchy.  I know of no song for Kentucky.  Boo.  According to Yahoo (, Kentucky knew how to sell itself and has five songs.  If you know one of these songs, I expect you to call me and sing it to me.

  • My Old Kentucky Home by Randy Newman
  • Kentucky by Louvin Brothers
  • Kentucky Woman by Neil Diamond
  • Blue Moon of Kentucky by Bill Monroe
  • Kentucky Rain by Elvis Presley
There's a little play button feature next to some of them, so as I continue to blog I am going to listen to these songs.  I encourage you to do the same.  Or not.  Whatever!

When I first found out that we were going to be moving to Kentucky, I was sad.  We will be moving 9 hours away from friends, 13 hours from family.  We're leaving behind everything about life that we've been accustomed to for the last 25/28 years (Josh is the old one!).  And then I realized there were some good thing about moving.

  1. We get to buy a house.  A real house.  With walls, and rooms, and issues that will require money and fixing.  We will have to mow our own grass and deal with ice makers that refuse to work.
  2. I finally get a King bed!  I can't wait to stretch both arms out, and not even touch Josh!  Oh how happy it will be to roll around and not worry about waking up at the edge of the bed, right before falling out.
  3. We get a dining room table!  If you've been to our apartment, you know our lovely card table is our dining room table.  When we cut our meat, we shake the table and the drinks spill out.  This won't happen anymore!!!!!!!!
  4. I will get matching furniture.  This one is one I haven't received guarantee from Josh about yet.  But, I'm thinking I'll use my womanly charm.  That should do it!  I want one of those "L" shaped couches or chairs that have foot stools.  Either way, I'm excited.
I'm sure there's many more things to be excited about.  For example, they haven't had snow in April down there.  But I'm getting there.  I'm hoping that eventually this will be a move that we are rejoicing about and look back to see how God has provided.  Until then, I'm holding on to my 4 points above.  Come on house!!!!!!!

PS - I liked Elvis' song the best.  Which one did you prefer?????

Friday, April 1, 2011

Beginning again...

I've taken a bit of time off lately.  Just trying to get things straightened out and a LOT has been happening!  Here's the quick run down...

In August, my husband, myself and I will be moving to the great state of Kentucky!  Josh was offered a tenure-track job at Murray State University.  So now begins the great fun of applying for loans, house hunting and figuring out how to get all of our worldly goods to Kentucky.  I'm thinking I should leave some worldly goods in the trash on the way.

Also, since our lease runs out in June, we have to move to another apartment complex until August so Josh can finish teaching at WVU.  We found something, and are just hoping and praying everything works out!  Our car also got hit by a freak storm last week (tornado warning!) so we're working on straightening that mess out. 

Jacob has been thriving and growing like a weed.  I can't even handle it!  He now crawls, and just learned to do "So Big!".  We love watching him grow every day.  He's now eating table food, drinking out of a sippy cup, and biting us.  Definitely prefer the first two to the last one there.

I promise to start updating again regularly.  Please love me even if I don't!!!!

What's been going on in your lives, readers???