I swear I belong in a white padded room. I really am afraid I am losing it. I think I'm at the edge. You see, I have been at Kroger 3 times this week, and Target 2 times this week. And yet, I cannot remember to pick up one, tiny thing. You see, I need a card for a shower I am hosting tomorrow. And for the life of me, I cannot seem to remember to pick it up. Granted, if she doesn't have a card, she won't care. But, REALLY?! 5 times and I can't remember!!!!!!!
I wish this was a one-time thing. I wish it never happened to me before. But honestly, this is a common occurrence. I have never been at the grocery store as much as I have been in the last week. I think my memory is actually getting worse. People will say, oh! Just write it down on a list! Well, that would be great, folks... IF I remembered to PUT it on the list! There's some sort of block between my brain and the paper. I've heard so many tips, and none of them seem to work for me. I honestly think I need someone to follow me around all day and remind me of every thought I've had.
I guess I am really just waiting for Jacob to grow up and fill this role in my life. Since I gave him half of my brain cells, it's only acceptable, right?? I really need those brain cells! I think they need to start figuring out how to restore the brain cells you lose after each child. I think I would even participate in the trial run!!
I need some more stories so I know I'm not alone. What have YOU forgotten???
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