Monday, April 11, 2011

Beautiful summer and tornadoes?

Finally!  The warmth has shown up, the flowers and trees are blooming, and I am a happy camper.  Well, mostly.  You see, I saw that Morgantown is now under a tornado warning until 7pm.  For those of you who have lived near tornado's, you will laugh at me.  I'm ok with that.  I'm secure in my paranoia.

The first time this happened was a few weeks ago.  I ended up driving through some pretty bad rain (no one warned me!).  The problem was once I found out.  I will admit, Jacob and I probably spent a half hour in our bathroom that night.  I heard the fire station sirens.  The main problem is, I have no idea what those mean.  So I decided they meant tornado.

I think the worst part is that since we are moving to Kentucky, we will most likely have a lot of warnings and maybe even an actual tornado.  I'm pretty sure Jacob will not enjoy the bathroom as much as he does right now.  And the fact that spending your entire summer in a bathroom is just not enjoyable.  I did try to listen to see if I heard any train sounds.  I'm listening again today.  I'll let you know if they show up.

Anyone actually know what the warning signals are??  And, please tell me someone else spent some time in a bathroom during a warning recently too...


  1. oh golly i spend time in the bathroom every time there's a warning, and sometimes when there's a watch (a clean bathtub can be pretty cozy with pillows and a book). I'm terrified of tornadoes. I actually think, too, that some people who live near them and understand how dangerous they are are more scared than people who haven't experienced them, so don't feel dumb!!! It's ignorance that makes people lazy. The tornado sirens I hear usually start out normal, building to the peak wailing note, but they never come down off of the high note (instead of going up and down like a fire signal).

  2. Thanks Leah!!!! The one I heard did go up and down. You are so helpful to me! Our problem is our bathtub is never clean (ha!). I love seeing your belly pictures!!!!
