Thursday, January 19, 2012


Today, I am amazed at how God works everything out.  When we first found out we were moving to Murray, I was pretty sure my life was over.  Obviously, Murray was full of boredom and ugliness.  Too bad I hadn't yet even visited!  HA.  I was so unsure of why God would take us to this place and so far from friends and family. And the first month or two weren't so nice.  Things were still too new. 

And then it began to click.  We found a home church, we got involved in different things, we started having activities during the day and night.  The weather stayed beautiful (so far only a dusting of snow!) and we love our house.  It's amazing to me how I could be so sure this isn't where we were supposed to be, and now I am so sure this IS where we are supposed to be.  We're growing in Christ, we've found great friends and we are being blessed daily. 

Today I met with someone about a desire I have in a certain ministry.  I found out a bit ago that they were looking into this ministry, but didn't have someone who wanted to start it.  Now that a work schedule has changed, there is a true and strong desire to start this and reach out to those in our community.  Could God have brought us here for that one reason??  I'm getting all excited just thinking about it!!!!

Even if things fall through and this doesn't happen, I do know that we're here for a reason.  And if we never find out what that reason is, I will still enjoy the fact that we are here and I pray that God will use our little family in whatever way He wants too!!

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