Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Starting again...

I'm a bit nervous about this.  I'm struggling with my purpose (again!), and besides taking care of Jacob, I'm trying to find the other thing that God is calling me to do.  Is this it?  Let's be honest, I am not spreading any valuable information or wisdom in these posts.  They're more like the crazy thoughts I have in my head that I shouldn't be sharing.  Would God really call me to tell people about my craziness?? 

And then there's the fear that I won't have anything to write about.  Honestly, there are some days were I should just keep my mouth shut.  Would that be better?  If writing is therapeutic, then I should be blogging every single moment.  Maybe then I wouldn't have that crazy eye thing going on...

So we'll give this a few weeks.  See how things go.  I'm pregnant with #2, so eventually I will take a break again so I can sleep.  And I'll need to take a shower too, which will probably trump blogging.  So, no big promises.  One day at a time.  As long as that one kid stays asleep for his whole nap! :-)

Hope you're all having a swell day!!!


  1. How are you feeling!?!? So excited for you! And you do have wisdom to share :-) I read your blog and LOVE it! And I love YOU! So glad you're back!

  2. Thanks lady!!! I'm finally starting to feel better! Still like to hang out with the toliet, but mostly able to eat again! I love seeing pictures of your babe! He's getting so big!!!!!!
