Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The art of sleep...

Something strange is happening to my baby. Something very, very strange. He wants to sleep. Yes, that's right, you read it correctly! He's been sleeping 8 hours at night, and 2 hour naps. Where did this baby come from??? And I definitely do not want him to go away!!!

It seems like the last 3 months my entire goal of every day was getting my bugger to nap and sleep at night. And now he's doing it!! So, what do I do with myself now?? I was trying to think of some things...

  1. Nap. Oh wait, I'm getting 6 hours of straight sleep! Guess not...
  2. Clean. Nope, definitely not this one.
  3. Go through the pile of boxes from college. Nahhh. They've been fine for 3 years, what's another year?
  4. Print off pictures. This I could do, but I've been spending lots of money lately, and I don't think hubby would be pleased.
  5. Read a book? This has potential!
  6. Watch TV? Yep, this sounds good!
What things do you do when your little one naps?? I need ideas!!!!


  1. You can come here to babysit so I can take a nap. :)

  2. I will let you know when my little darling takes more than just catnaps all day long!

  3. Hahaha, Sonja! I'll be there!!
    And yes, Stephanie, let me know!!
    Although I think these words are coming back to bite me as he won't go to bed!! LOL
