Friday, September 24, 2010

Spit everywhere!

So in the last month we've gone from constant spewing (which does still happen!) to saliva pouring out of his mouth. Maybe pouring is a bit of an exaggeration, but there is always something coming out!! And truthfully, I find it to be more disgusting than anything else. Currently, I have spit-up and drool all over me. Bah. And at this point, I've given up changing my outfit every time he throws up or drools on me!

I have to say that the drooling and puking is worse to me than pooping and peeing. I don't quite think that is normal, but it totally is to me!! I would rather have to clean up poop and try not to die of smell than feel the warm goo all over me. Ugh!

The other thing that amazes me is how I can be so unaware now of the puke on my shirt/pants. So many parents have commented about going to work with puke on their outfits and I would continuously think, not me! I won't be like that!!! And then, one day, someone came to fix the dishwasher. And when he left, what did I see? Yep, that's right. Puke on my shoulder. Sigh. Gross!!

So what part of having a baby/small child do you find the most nasty???


  1. I love your honestly Liz! Not being a Mom myself, I feel like you never hear Mothers talk about the reality of how gross things really are. It scares the daylights out of me b/c I think a lot of things babies do are gross, am I not ‘Mother’ materials then?!? Thanks so much for sharing the reality of being a Mom and the not so beautiful things that no one ever seems to talk about! You make me think I can do it!

  2. You can do it!!!! And I would prefer you do it soon for a mommy buddy :-D Hurry up! HEEHEE...
