Monday, September 20, 2010

Kicking the binkie...

So I decided to do something dumb. Yeah, I'll call it dumb. I decided it was time to stop using the binkie. That it was time to wean him off of it. So, today, I cut the tip of the nipple. I think Jacob's mad at his mommy! I went to put him down for a nap and he looked disgusted. And then loud crying ensued. And then, a crazy thing happened! He sucked on his hand and fell asleep.

So, could it be that in the long run, this will actually work?? Will he actually learn to fall asleep with his hand and not the pacifier?? Only time will tell! But, is it worth it??? I hate to hear him cry, even though I know in the long run it will be better for him...

So, is that what this parenting is about? Deciding the hard decisions that may hurt temporarily in order for long-term happiness? This is going to be much harder than I thought! So, for now, I will comfort and calm my sweet child while we figure out how to fall asleep without that pacifier!

What is one thing you had to remove from your child to help them in the long run???

And, yep, I just gave him the non-cut pacifier. Sigh. I'm weak!


  1. You are a brave, brave woman...taking a binkie from a baby. I did the complete opposite of you. My LO found his thumb the other day. I was determined that he would NOT suck his thumb. Every time he put it in, I took it out and replaced it with a pacifier. (I'm telling myself it will be easier to kick the pacifier habit than the thumb). We happened to be visiting my extended family during this battle and they all told me I would lose, but I persisted anyway. In the end, I won! Now I am just waiting for the battle over the binkie in a few months...

  2. Haha, what I wouldn't trade to be in your spot! Do you want to trade children? LOL Although good for you for winning!!!!!!
