Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wishing the time away....

So last night as I was feeding my fish on my blog, I kept thinking, I wonder if they'll grow up soon?! And then, it struck me. Just as I'm wishing my fish to grow up, I'm wishing my baby to grow up too. Another new mother said to me yesterday, "this is the only day my baby will be exactly this old, and try to enjoy whatever stage it is." So wise, dear friend!!

Is this what I'm doing every single day? I wake up hoping that today is the day he rolls over, instead of enjoying those little smiles and laughs I get. I just keep looking forward to what he'll be tomorrow, next year, in ten years instead of enjoying what he is today.

Is that our culture or is that just me? I keep thinking of the interviews I conducted and how I always asked "Where do you see yourself in five years?" Why can't the question be "Where do you see yourself right now?" I guess it wouldn't be as telling! But that should be my question to myself every day. I need to stop looking for the future and enjoy the present.

Do you do this too? If not, share your secret!!!!


  1. "Today is a gift - that's why it's called the present." I learned that from Kung-Fu Panda, haha. Seriously though, I think I have the opposite problem - not thinking about the future at all... I'm pretty content to just take one day at a time... However, I know that if I had an infant, I'd be totally ready for the spitting up, "feeling like you'll break him because he's so fragile" periods to be over. Just think, in ten years, he'll probably be mouthin' off at you all the time, so enjoy it while he isn't able to do that, haha.

    One last thought - perhaps always wanting to look into the future and not living in the now is a trust thing? Like, just give the future to God, and don't worry about it? I'm not trying to accuse you of not trusting Him, but anyway, I'd encourage you to trust Him, if that is a problem... I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here though, haha.

  2. Ben, you are so right! I think it is a trust thing; that I want to control the future and what happens every single day. And I think God uses you and other people around me just to remind me of that!! Thank you, because I definitely need to link that together!!
