Monday, September 27, 2010

Breaking the rules...

I would love to have someone do a guest post!! If you feel like you have something to tell about motherhood, please let me know!! Or, if you just have an idea, I'll take those too! Otherwise, you may hear about a lot of things you don't want too... :-D

So some of you may remember me writing about our poop issue. I just wanted to let you know that it is no longer an issue!! Yay Jacob!! I hope when he reads this in 20 years he doesn't beat me up. Anyway, I ended up going with my gut. I stopped using his meds and just waited. And amazingly, he is pooping up a storm!! Ask anyone in my homegroup... Ha!

This brings me to the point of all the rules and ideas of pediatricians. Although I know they have a great deal of knowledge, sometimes moms just know better. And not just peds, but the AAP and many other places that tell you what to do!! There are so many "rules" that I have broken and I'm sure there are many down the road. For example, Jacob sleeps on his tummy and started solids a few days ago at 3.5 months. Why?? He wouldn't sleep on his back for more than two hours. He was so hungry he was waking up every 3 hours at night. Does this go against "the rules"?? Heck yes. Is it right for my child?? Absolutely.

So, what rule(s) did you break??


  1. Amen sister!! Hey Liz. I recently found your blog and wanted to encourage you to continue to follow your intuition. It was God given and is so important for us to listen to. I've broken too many rules to list! Go Jacob!!!

  2. Thanks Keni!! I love, love, love the picture of Noni! She is too cute!!
