Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Loving my cookies...

For some reason, staying at home has made me a cookie monster. Yes, a cookie monster. Baby is sleeping?? Eat a cookie! Laundry is half-done?? Eat a cookie! What is so addicting about those darn cookies??

So after I lost all of my baby weight in two weeks, it started to creep back on. See, you don't have to be jealous! I'm getting fatter again! And you know, I realized it was the cookies. Duh me!! I wanted to blame it on what was in the cookies, but after eating 8+ a day, it OBVIOUSLY was not the cookies!

So, now I'm trying to eat 4 cookies a day. They're oreo's so they are tiny. That's what I like to tell myself. I find that my down times make me want to eat. So the new goal? No down time! I need to occupy myself all of the time. What could that mean?? Drinking water instead of eating cookies. Surfing the web a bit. Cleaning something dirty. Exercising.

Will the cookies win or will I? Stay tuned!

And, what is your guilty pleasure? Food? Internet? Cleaning?


  1. Drinking water instead of eating a cookie? You must have great willpower if you can substitute water for cookies!

  2. Haha! Notice, I still get 4 cookies!! LOL...
