Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day!

Well, if you haven't heard or haven't looked at the calendar, today is Valentine's Day.  This is Jacob's first Valentine's day, and my first as a mommy!  With that being said, I didn't get him anything.  He did get a valentine from a 5 year old, but we're not ready to commit to marriage just yet.  He likes the older women.

I definitely want to create some sort of tradition with him.  So when this day comes around and he has no special woman in his life, he has his momma.  And dad.  Not in the creepy way, or super dependent momma's boy way, ok?  Maybe a little candy in a basket or a fun toy he wants.  Something neat like that.  I want him to be so full of our love that he doesn't need the love that the world gives.  To me, it's important that he sees this day as fun and not torturous.  I don't want him to be a depressed man on this date every year he's single!

I know how I viewed Valentine's Day, and it wasn't in a positive light.  Until I got myself a husband, and now I force him to take me out and buy me flowers.  Funny how that changes!  And even though I want some tradition with Jacob, I still want my dinner out and flowers!  Hopefully Josh will like his present...!

Do you have a tradition on Valentine's Day???


  1. I started a tradition of mini meatloaves shaped like hearts, with pink mashed potatoes and red velvet whoopie pies!

  2. You are too freakin' cute! Do you use a dye in the mashed potatoes???? Did Rob enjoy his yummies???
