Monday, April 18, 2011

Taking a day "off"....

Today, I decided to take the day off.  I was very excited about this.  A whole day where I did nothing except feed and take care of my child.  I was going to put my hair up, stay inside, and take lots of naps.  Lots of them.  This was the plan, but this is not what happened.  Boo.  Apparently, since becoming a mother, a day "off" is not real.  It's an imaginary thing that only childless people actually get to do.  It apparently is a figment of my imagination.

I planned for a leisurely shower this morning while Jacob napped.  This became a screaming shower in 5 minutes since Jacob wouldn't nap and so he was in the room with me.  He apparently does not like this.  Then I needed to go to the grocery store to pick up some things for tomorrow.  And then I ended up vacuuming the living room, cleaning dishes, and getting some things ready for tomorrow.

When did it become that a day "off" is never a day off again??? And is there any way to truly get that day back?  What I wouldn't give to spend the whole day reading a book, napping on and off, and eating chocolate.  I feel like I need to wait until Jacob is in school all day.  Then maybe there's a hope that I can just curl up and spend the day in bed!  I guess I can't complain, because I did get a 3-hour nap!

Maybe I'll get my day "off" in 5 more years...!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Those little pebbles...

Today I took Jacob to the park for his very first time on the swing.  He LOVED it.  Giggled and such.  We did ok until he decided to let go and start putting all his weight forward.  Don't worry, he didn't fall out and that ended our time swinging.  We're going to wait a bit and try again later.  And/or go to another park.  We'll see.  But my main issue with our time at the park was those little pebbles they put on the ground.

I idealistically (is this a word?) thought that flip-flops would be perfect for a day at the park.  Really, they should be perfect.  Jacob even wore his sandals!  But then we got there.  I thought they were supposed to have that nifty, bouncy rubber so kids didn't hurt themselves.  Nevermind the burns you get from the big metal slide.  Anyway... They didn't.  They had pebbles.  Which would be ok, if every time you moved your foot you lost your sandal.  I ended up prancing (yes, prancing) to try and keep the stones away.  Imagine the looks that I received.  Because I got a bunch.

So is there some sort of rule?? Where kids can run is the rubber, but where they swing and slide is the pebbles?? Should I write someone and tell them how uncomfortable the pebbles are?? I mean really, no one hurt themselves.  You just can't walk.  You look like a duck, waddling through to the swings.

By the way, I think I had more fun swinging than he did.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

First Hair Cut!

On Tuesday, I took Jacob for a big first.  We got his haircut for the first time!  I was so excited.  I've decided he's no longer a baby, so I wanted to get rid of the shaggy hair.  It was time for a hair cut!  I've been asking around for months now for a good salon/barber shop that does baby hair.  EVERYONE (except one!) said they cut it themselves.  Seriously??? Where did I find such over-achiever friends??? Dang!  I was {} this close to doing it myself.  And then I remember what irreparable damage I could do to my poor child's head.  So we took him to the place I get my hair cut.  A little pricey, but they did a good job!  Let me know if you want the name...

Jacob did as well as could be imagined.  He had no idea why some lady was touching his hair.  I ended up having to hold his hands because he kept trying to move her hand away when she had scissors.  Not a smart move, baby boy!  We ended up not getting it too short mostly because he wouldn't sit still and somewhat because we didn't want it to stick up too high.  So, here are some pictures!!!



I do not claim to be an excellent picture taker!  They even gave us a little envelope with his hair and information from his haircut.  So exciting!! 

I guess I finally can admit my little baby is now a little boy!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The battle of the shoes...

We've had many battles in the last ten months.  Jacob is finally understanding the word "no" and will actually (at times) turn around or stop doing what he's doing!  Of course, this is on a good, well-rested, not-sick day.  But we have a new battle these days.  The battle of shoes.  To begin with, our kid likes to be naked.  If he's cranky or tired, just strip him down and he finds new energy.  Yes, this is a bit weird.  Yes, it is only our child that is weird.  Not his parents.

So anyway, due to this fact, he hates shirts, pants, socks, diapers and of course, shoes. We are currently fighting the battle of shoes.  I think it's only a few more weeks (maybe months?) until he will actually be walking, so he needs to get used to these things!  The one thing daddy did that seemed to help was actually have Jacob walk outside.  Yesterday, I helped him climb the steps. 

But my favorite thing he does when he gets his shoes on is trying to take them off.  It is absolutely the cutest thing, as long as he doesn't actually pull them off.  He loves to try and pull them off or kick them off.  If it wasn't so torturous, I think I would laugh even more.

Now for him to learn to walk WITH shoes!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Beautiful summer and tornadoes?

Finally!  The warmth has shown up, the flowers and trees are blooming, and I am a happy camper.  Well, mostly.  You see, I saw that Morgantown is now under a tornado warning until 7pm.  For those of you who have lived near tornado's, you will laugh at me.  I'm ok with that.  I'm secure in my paranoia.

The first time this happened was a few weeks ago.  I ended up driving through some pretty bad rain (no one warned me!).  The problem was once I found out.  I will admit, Jacob and I probably spent a half hour in our bathroom that night.  I heard the fire station sirens.  The main problem is, I have no idea what those mean.  So I decided they meant tornado.

I think the worst part is that since we are moving to Kentucky, we will most likely have a lot of warnings and maybe even an actual tornado.  I'm pretty sure Jacob will not enjoy the bathroom as much as he does right now.  And the fact that spending your entire summer in a bathroom is just not enjoyable.  I did try to listen to see if I heard any train sounds.  I'm listening again today.  I'll let you know if they show up.

Anyone actually know what the warning signals are??  And, please tell me someone else spent some time in a bathroom during a warning recently too...

Friday, April 8, 2011

If I forget one more thing...

I swear I belong in a white padded room.  I really am afraid I am losing it.  I think I'm at the edge.  You see, I have been at Kroger 3 times this week, and Target 2 times this week.  And yet, I cannot remember to pick up one, tiny thing.  You see, I need a card for a shower I am hosting tomorrow.  And for the life of me, I cannot seem to remember to pick it up.  Granted, if she doesn't have a card, she won't care.  But, REALLY?! 5 times and I can't remember!!!!!!!

I wish this was a one-time thing.  I wish it never happened to me before.  But honestly, this is a common occurrence.  I have never been at the grocery store as much as I have been in the last week.  I think my memory is actually getting worse.  People will say, oh! Just write it down on a list!  Well, that would be great, folks... IF I remembered to PUT it on the list!  There's some sort of block between my brain and the paper.  I've heard so many tips, and none of them seem to work for me.  I honestly think I need someone to follow me around all day and remind me of every thought I've had. 

I guess I am really just waiting for Jacob to grow up and fill this role in my life.  Since I gave him half of my brain cells, it's only acceptable, right??  I really need those brain cells!  I think they need to start figuring out how to restore the brain cells you lose after each child.  I think I would even participate in the trial run!!

I need some more stories so I know I'm not alone.  What have YOU forgotten???

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What's for dinner??

One of my most difficult tasks is figuring out what to make for dinner.  Really, this should not be that hard!  Most days I want to call for delivery.  Chinese, pizza, subs... whatever means it arrives at the door the way I want it.  I'm pretty sure I need to start buying stock in some of these companies.  Or they should pay me for free advertising.  Either way.

So a few of my goals is to try and plan ahead for meals.  Also, to surf online to find some great recipes.  And there are some serious great blogs out there with great food ideas!  My main problem is the amount of ingredients.  Here's the truth:  If it's more than six ingredients, I'm not going to make it.  And the easier it is, the more likely I'll try it.  For example, I found a recipe for a six can chicken tortilla soup.  You can bet I made that!  DUDE! A meal from six cans??? YES!! It was total jackpot. 

Here's what I want in life.  I want yummy recipes with little to no work.  I believe it's because I'm lazy.  Also, because my child climbs up my legs as I cook.  I have a cookbook called Six Ingredients Or Less.  I think I need to read through it again. 

Anyone have some yummy, simple recipes????

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Reading my novels....

I've mentioned before of my love to read.  How when I pick up a book, it's so very hard for me to put it down until I am done.  I feel the need to expound upon this.  You see, I read a certain kind of book.  It's called Romantic Christian Fiction.  So basically, take away most of the smut, replace it with God, and you've got the story.  I'm not exactly sure when I started reading them, but most likely it was in high school.  And I really haven't stopped.  If you're throwing up in your mouth, please continue reading anyway.

So as very typical when reading these books, I will cry, laugh or smile.  On one evening, I was smiling, and my dear husband looked at me and asked me what was so happy in the book.  I wasn't sure how to say it.  The truth was, they had just gotten married and were ready to share the evening.  I tried to keep it PG!  He asked me how I knew that.  I told him they said it in the book.  This is where the bad part comes.  He said prove it.

I read that part to my husband.  I was giggling like a little school girl.  It sounded so raunchy out loud!!! I guess it's one thing to read it in your mind.  Out loud is just a whole other story.  You should have seen his face.  Oh my!  I think that is the one and only time my husband will ever ask what I am reading, and definitely the only time I will read it to him!  For now, I tell him to mind his own business.  HA!  I already know not to ask him... it will probably be something smart that I don't understand!

Anyone else have this happen to them??????/

Monday, April 4, 2011

Ooooooooo, Kentucky!

I like the Oklahoma song better.  It's so catchy.  I know of no song for Kentucky.  Boo.  According to Yahoo (, Kentucky knew how to sell itself and has five songs.  If you know one of these songs, I expect you to call me and sing it to me.

  • My Old Kentucky Home by Randy Newman
  • Kentucky by Louvin Brothers
  • Kentucky Woman by Neil Diamond
  • Blue Moon of Kentucky by Bill Monroe
  • Kentucky Rain by Elvis Presley
There's a little play button feature next to some of them, so as I continue to blog I am going to listen to these songs.  I encourage you to do the same.  Or not.  Whatever!

When I first found out that we were going to be moving to Kentucky, I was sad.  We will be moving 9 hours away from friends, 13 hours from family.  We're leaving behind everything about life that we've been accustomed to for the last 25/28 years (Josh is the old one!).  And then I realized there were some good thing about moving.

  1. We get to buy a house.  A real house.  With walls, and rooms, and issues that will require money and fixing.  We will have to mow our own grass and deal with ice makers that refuse to work.
  2. I finally get a King bed!  I can't wait to stretch both arms out, and not even touch Josh!  Oh how happy it will be to roll around and not worry about waking up at the edge of the bed, right before falling out.
  3. We get a dining room table!  If you've been to our apartment, you know our lovely card table is our dining room table.  When we cut our meat, we shake the table and the drinks spill out.  This won't happen anymore!!!!!!!!
  4. I will get matching furniture.  This one is one I haven't received guarantee from Josh about yet.  But, I'm thinking I'll use my womanly charm.  That should do it!  I want one of those "L" shaped couches or chairs that have foot stools.  Either way, I'm excited.
I'm sure there's many more things to be excited about.  For example, they haven't had snow in April down there.  But I'm getting there.  I'm hoping that eventually this will be a move that we are rejoicing about and look back to see how God has provided.  Until then, I'm holding on to my 4 points above.  Come on house!!!!!!!

PS - I liked Elvis' song the best.  Which one did you prefer?????

Friday, April 1, 2011

Beginning again...

I've taken a bit of time off lately.  Just trying to get things straightened out and a LOT has been happening!  Here's the quick run down...

In August, my husband, myself and I will be moving to the great state of Kentucky!  Josh was offered a tenure-track job at Murray State University.  So now begins the great fun of applying for loans, house hunting and figuring out how to get all of our worldly goods to Kentucky.  I'm thinking I should leave some worldly goods in the trash on the way.

Also, since our lease runs out in June, we have to move to another apartment complex until August so Josh can finish teaching at WVU.  We found something, and are just hoping and praying everything works out!  Our car also got hit by a freak storm last week (tornado warning!) so we're working on straightening that mess out. 

Jacob has been thriving and growing like a weed.  I can't even handle it!  He now crawls, and just learned to do "So Big!".  We love watching him grow every day.  He's now eating table food, drinking out of a sippy cup, and biting us.  Definitely prefer the first two to the last one there.

I promise to start updating again regularly.  Please love me even if I don't!!!!

What's been going on in your lives, readers???

Friday, February 25, 2011


Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit!! Yay!! I'm so excited!! And grandma likes to change diapers and feed baby boy.  I think she just likes to spend time with him, rather than change his diaper!  Anyway, I love having visitors.  It's so fun!  And it's the one time I actually clean.  And dust.  Boy do I have lots of dust bunnies.  Sometimes I think it's better if they just stay put.

I used to stress about visitors.  Now I excitedly anticipate them.  The chance to talk with adults!!  Oh joy!! And relax a bit.  I'm so very very very excited!  I keep looking at the clock and waiting for my phone call that says they are almost here.  Come on grandma and grandpa!!!!!!  It might also be that they're taking us out to eat.  That always gets me excited.

So if you're ever in the area and want to visit, please stop by!!  I'd love the company!! 

What's your favorite part of having visitors??

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Caution: Toys everywhere!!!

The past few days, Jacob has figured out some pretty neat things.  He can now sit up on his own, pull himself up to a standing position, and get back down on the floor.  Although this is awesome, this also means he can pretty much go anywhere in the room.  This means there is a path of destruction in my living room at all times.  Yes, I know this is only the beginning.  And I'm assuming at some point I'll teach him to pick up after himself. 

So my goal is to frantically clean the floor before Josh gets home.  I'll let Jacob scatter his toys everywhere during the day and do a quick cleanup around 6pm.  Luckily, so far I've been able to do a clean sweep each night before Josh shows up.  I'm waiting for the one day that he comes home early and I am drastically unprepared.  Or the one missing block that didn't make it back into the fire truck and is stuck in some odd place.

I'm very excited to teach Jacob to clean up after himself.  I can't wait for him to crawl back behind odd places to retrieve things he put there hours ago.  And then I can tell him to clean up minutes before daddy comes home while I try to put together some dinner.  Yes, this is turning into a good plan.  A plan that I'm sure will fail!

Do you have any tips for teaching clean-up? Or any funny stories to share???

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Well, hello Kentucky...

My hiatus from blogging is primarily due to the fact that my husband stole my computer.  Ok, technically it is his too.  But we all know the truth.  And I was not going into the other room while baby was sleeping.  That's just asking for it.  But thankfully he got home early this morning (1:45am!) so I now have my beloved computer back.  Thank goodness!

Some of you may be wondering where he went.  Well, let me answer that for you.  He had a job interview in Kentucky.  Yep, I said Kentucky.  I've tried to tell him a few times when he started applying that I wasn't willing to move.  But, since my child is my job, technically it's mobile.  And as a dear friend was once told, "Home is where your family is."  So basically I have no say.  Yep.  We definitely thought it would be better for Jacob and I to stay home, since it was an 8.5 hour drive and Josh needed to sleep before the interview.  As well as what we do for hours on end???

So we have about a month or more before we hear back.  My main decision is based on the caliber of restaurants in the area.  I've told Josh that there must be an Olive Garden.  And, there is!  Less than 5 minutes from campus.  Maybe this won't be so bad??  I feel like if I live in Kentucky I have to own a horse.  Forget that second car!  Jacob can hold on tight as we gallop down the road....

I need some words of wisdom, advice and experience!  What influences your decision to move???

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pride goeth before the fall???

Today, I am proud to announce that for 80% of the week I have worn jeans.  And the one day doesn't count because I went walking.  This is a very proud moment for me!!!!!! I have finally (mostly) overcome the desire to be in sweats every single day of my life.  Now that I talk about it, it makes me want to go change!!  I guess I'm just waiting for this pride to turn into a fall.  We'll see what happens next week!

Don't worry, though.  I'm still wearing t-shirts.  I think that's the next level.  You start with jeans, you transition to nice shirts, and then the heels show back up in your life.  I don't think I'll ever get to that last step.  High heels are torture devices!  But I'm always jealous of the ladies who wear them and look like they came from a fashion magazine.  I am 100% sure there is no fashion magazine detailing what I wear.  And if they are, they're not going to make it far in the business.

Now that summer is here (yes, I know it's supposed to snow next week) I've decided that t-shirts are appropriate wear for outside my apartment.  At least I'm not in sweats, right?? HA! And I did my hair.  That makes it a successful day!!

What stage are you in?? 

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So today is like manna from heaven.  It is GORGEOUS outside!!!!!! I had the windows down in the car, we played in the grass and we're going for a walk later today.  How can you NOT love it out there?!?! Oh my goodness!  It makes me want to frolic outside.  That's right, I said frolic.  I know secretly you love that word.

So today was our first experience in the grass.  I took out a blanket just to ease the transition to the grass.  He seemed very interested at first, touching the grass and such.  So I moved him right onto the grass.  Bad idea.  It was pretty much over at that point.  He started crying and trying to crawl into my lap.  And then I made it worse by making him stand in the grass.  Whooooa.  Bad idea mom.  Eventually got him distracted with a leaf.  I think he may have tried to touch the grass a few more times, and he definitely tried to eat some of it.  But he didn't last more than 10 minutes.

I love seeing him explore something new or try something for the first time.  Whether it's food or grass, that excitement and bewilderment is such an exciting thing to see!  I love the wide eyes.  I hate the times though that he looks fearful.  I'm glad that I can be there in those moments to comfort him and walk him through the fear.  Although sometimes I'm pretty sure I reinforce the fear!  I have to admit, I'm nervous for the spiders to show up.  I think he'll go after them and I'll scream and try and kill it.  I guess that will be a post for the future!

What was your favorite thing to introduce to your child??

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Naps are beautiful!!

I had promised you blogs all week, and I failed yesterday.  That's only day two.  I have a bad record so far!!  The problem?  I decided to nap.  I figured there was no way I could make it to date time without a few moments of rest.  But the few moments turned into a solid 2 hours.  And I woke up on my own.  Jacob slept for 3 hours.  WHOA!  I have to say, it was the best nap we've had since he's been born.  Oh I love naps!

There's just something so wonderful as having the time and ability to crawl back into bed, hide under the covers, and snooze.  Just typing about it makes me want to go take one right now!  I think my biggest fear currently about having another child is the lack of naps that will happen.  I can't nap if both babes aren't napping!!  I might have to teach Jacob to play by himself so when I can nap when the next one comes.  Or we're going to have to invest in afternoon daycare.  For some reason, I don't think Josh will be receptive to that.

I think part of me has accepted that after the birth of the next child, naps will be a thing of the past.  And that makes me very sad inside.  I guess my hope is that eventually, after all kids are in school, I can get my naps back.  I will be one well-rested mama!  Unfortunately I have a strange feeling I might be working part-time.  No naps for me ever again!  Sadness...

Am I the only one still taking naps???

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day!

Well, if you haven't heard or haven't looked at the calendar, today is Valentine's Day.  This is Jacob's first Valentine's day, and my first as a mommy!  With that being said, I didn't get him anything.  He did get a valentine from a 5 year old, but we're not ready to commit to marriage just yet.  He likes the older women.

I definitely want to create some sort of tradition with him.  So when this day comes around and he has no special woman in his life, he has his momma.  And dad.  Not in the creepy way, or super dependent momma's boy way, ok?  Maybe a little candy in a basket or a fun toy he wants.  Something neat like that.  I want him to be so full of our love that he doesn't need the love that the world gives.  To me, it's important that he sees this day as fun and not torturous.  I don't want him to be a depressed man on this date every year he's single!

I know how I viewed Valentine's Day, and it wasn't in a positive light.  Until I got myself a husband, and now I force him to take me out and buy me flowers.  Funny how that changes!  And even though I want some tradition with Jacob, I still want my dinner out and flowers!  Hopefully Josh will like his present...!

Do you have a tradition on Valentine's Day???

Friday, February 11, 2011

A blogging break...

For the past few days, I've taken a blogging break.  I just didn't have any creativity left in this mind of mine, so I figured instead of rambling, I'd take a few moments to myself.  That, and my child is a cranky monster and I decided to sleep.  Teeth are evil. 

So besides sleeping, I've also been catching up on my social life.  Since it has finally decided to (mostly) stop snowing or having poopy weather, we've been out and about.  Granted, one of the places has been the doctor's, we have had a play date and lunch with friends too.  And next week is already piling up with lots of fun!  Not to mention my massage scheduled for tomorrow... Merry Christmas to me!!!!!! I've got myself an awesome hubby who gets me awesome gift certificates...

So basically I've had a mental vacation.  And it's been lovely.  The sun is finally shining and I don't need to dress like I'm in Siberia (no offense, Sibera family members!).  My mood is definitely lifting since it feels like winter has finally decided it's over.  If it starts to snow again, you may hear my wailing wherever you live.  But I should be back in full blogging mode next week!

What is your favorite mental vacation??

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm ready to resign...

I'm thinking about resigning my job.  I'm ready to tell Josh that I'm giving my two weeks notice.  Please tell me you've felt this way!!!!  Jacob has a cold/fever again.  Bllaaahhh.  Which means super duper fussy baby.  I thought when babes were sick, they were supposed to sleep a lot and cuddle.  Mine does not prefer to do so.  He would rather yell at the top of his lungs and be held while standing.  And frankly, I'm tired!  There's not much sleeping during the night, either.  My oh my.

So with that, I've decided to resign.  I'm going to give my notice and then hopefully hire a nanny.  Then I'll just sit in my room with my brand new TV I bought, drink my chocolate milk, and eat brownies.  That definitely sounds like the life!  Unfortunately, I don't believe my resignation will be accepted.  And frankly, I don't quite want to go back to work and have to use my brain besides labeling colors and shapes and making animal noises.

Let's just hope this fever breaks, the cold disappears and my baby learns to be quieter.  Otherwise, I may no longer be a stay-at-home mom.  Don't worry, I'll keep you updated.  If you know of any part-time, large paying, hardly working jobs, please let me know. 

Have you ever wanted to or tried to resign??

Monday, February 7, 2011

Forgetting to change decorations...

As I sit here typing, I glanced up by our kitchen.  I realized that the Christmas cards we have lined up from family and friends are still there.  We never took them down.  They're just chillin', waiting for some loving.  And they're not getting any.  I completely forgot to take them down.  The tree and snowmen all came down the first full week of January, but not those cards. They're stuck there.

Have you ever had this happen?  You put away the big things, get tired, and decide to put something else away later?  And then it just never happens.  Months go by until you remember, CRAP! It's still there!  So maybe this evening when hubby is home to entertain the babe, I will climb up on a chair and bring those babies down.  Although they do add a touch of happiness and love to the room.  Maybe I'll make Jacob cut out hearts and we'll put those up instead.  That would be a fun project with someone older...

I feel the same thing happens with dishes and containers.  Right now, I have a sippy cup sitting on the counter.  It's washed, empty and ready for some sipping.  But it just sits there.  Obviously I haven't forgotten that one.  Laziness maybe?  Ha! Oh well... Maybe someday I'll remember to put the cards away AND the sippy cup too...

Anything you forgot to put away??

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The enemy: Bottles

Today is Post #101.  That means ya'll have been reading my posts for a way long time now.  Thanks guys!! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

I'm neglecting something mildly important.  It's incredibly important to Jacob, and a pain to me.  Have you guessed what it is yet??  I have to wash bottles.  UGH.  I swear, I'm going to the store and buying 8 more bottles so I have to wash them less.  The problem is then I have more to wash when I wash them! UGH!  I think my pain problem began when I chose a bottle that came apart into six pieces.  That is a lot of pieces to clean.  I see these women washing bottles that have three parts.  I want to steal their bottles.  I'll replace them with my six-parter bottle.  Boo-yah!

I think if someone could invent a small dishwasher that would be primarily for bottles only.  That way the broccoli pieces wouldn't get stuck in the nipple, causing me to re-wash the bottles.  It would sit on my counter next to the formula and rice cereal cans and I could be lazy.  Because, frankly, I like being lazy.  So, someone invent that.  And hurry up.  I want to use it BEFORE Jacob is one!

I guess I better go.  I have approximately two hours before the next feeding.  Uggggggggh.  Bottles are my enemies!

What one invention could make your life easier??

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I may finally save a groundhog...

Not sure if you saw yet, (you should have!) but Punxsutawney Phil DIDN'T see his shadow today.  SPRING IS COMING!!!!!!! Yes, I think this is a questionable way to determine whether spring is actually on its way, but nevertheless I am quite excited if it's true!  In his honor, I've decided not to run over a groundhog the next time I see one.  Thanks Phil!

Anyway, we had a nice taste of early Spring today.  This morning, upon wakening, it was 50 degrees outside.  Yep, you read that right!!  It's now in the 30s again with snow, but for awhile it was gorgeous! Oh how I cannot wait for spring!  To not be stuck in the house 24-7, to get to explore things with Jacob for the first time... I'm so excited!  And to be able to get out of the house without putting on 8 layers and scraping off the windshield.  Oh yay!

Although I do think they need a new plan for detecting spring.  A groundhog? Really? Groundhogs get shot, not predict weather.  Sorry Punxustawney... you'll need something else to draw tourists when I become Queen.  We'll just have to brainstorm on what will be our new "spring detector."  Any ideas??

What was your reaction at Phil's prediction this morning??

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Animals. To buy, or not to buy?

My dear friend Kelly may have done something detrimental to my parenting.  I can't be sure, because Jacob is only 8 months old.  But, you see, Kelly introduced Jacob to animals.  To be specific, two fish.  He is so delighted at them.  When he sees them, he kicks, giggles and gets so excited.  He does this with pretty much any animals that will be still long enough for him to see. 

So after telling Josh about this, he asked if we should get fish.  My immediate response was "NO!"  Yes, it may have been a bit dramatic.  But I know what happens when pets are bought.  The mom takes care of it.  Yes, of course the child will make lofty promises that will fall through within a day.  And, lucky for me, my child won't even make the promises.  I think I'd be ok with a fish except for changing it's water.  I'm pretty sure my gracefulness will come out in full and the fish will end up flopping on the floor and dying.  Along with the fact that all the fish we've ever had have died.  I just don't think it's a good plan.

Eventually I want a family dog.  But it needs to be small and manageable.  So is it worthwhile to start off with something small, relatively easy to take care of?  Or should we just wait until we can get a dog?  Ugh.  Either way, I'm pretty sure the fish will meet the sea via toliet within at least two weeks of having it.

Would you get a pet?? If you have, what's your advice to me??

Monday, January 31, 2011

The detriment of chocolate milk...

First of all, I want a bonus point for having the word detriment in the title.  In case you're not sure, that's a big word for me.

I enjoy chocolate milk (as you all know).  And I like to have it in the morning and before I go to bed.  I find it relaxing and calming.  It reminds me of being a child.  Although I don't think my mom allowed me to have chocolate milk as a child... Anyway!  This morning I put my chocolate milk glass on the floor and put away some of Jacob's clothes.  Moms, do you see my mistake?  Apparently, when your child scoots, chocolate milk should not be on the floor.

I think my first clue was the quietness in the other room.  He had been fussing and then stopped.  I figured he just found something to play with.  Well, he did.  It happened to be my chocolate milk.  He tipped the glass.  All over the floor.  We now have a nice chocolate milk ring residue.  I thought I did pretty good cleaning it up, but you can totally still see it.  I know am convinced we need to clean the carpet in here yearly.

My favorite part was while I was cleaning up the chocolate milk, Josh was trying to clean up Jacob.  Somehow while washing his hands his sleeves became soaked.  Intriguing!  All I know is that I was very grateful to be able to concentrate on cleaning up while Josh concentrated on occupying the child.  Lesson learned.

What has your child spilled on the floor?  And, if you don't have children, what have YOU spilled on the floor??

Friday, January 28, 2011

I haven't left my apartment since Tuesday...

Yep, that's right.  I have been inside my apartment since Tuesday.  And I have no plans to leave today.  I do have to leave tomorrow, so I'm preparing.  I thought for sure this would make me go crazy.  And honestly, I am completely ok with it!  I am warm, cozy and comfortable.  I don't have chapped lips and dried hands, either!  I promise you, this is the BEST part of being a stay-at-home mom!

Sure, I have an opportunity or two to go outside.  I could make a snowman, take out the trash, clean off the other car that's not being used, etc.  Instead, I'll stay inside.  It's wicked cold out there!  I always chuckle when people on facebook write how cold it is outside and I haven't been out in days.  I have no idea what it's like out there!! I'm sure this will change once Jacob becomes old enough to go to school.  I won't be able to just stay inside for 4 days in a row.

For now, I will relish in the fact that I've been inside for days.  My teeth haven't chattered and I haven't been so cold my boogies froze in my nose (too much? sorry...).   I love having the choice of leaving my apartment or not.  And I like that choice!  I don't have to drive in the snow if I don't want to, and I like that!!

Anyone else stay inside for many days in a row???

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I love to shower!

I always dreaded having a child simply because I was afraid I wouldn't get to shower anymore.  You understand, don't you?  You've heard stories from moms who say they didn't get a shower in the last week or more.  Ones who couldn't brush their teeth or go to the bathroom until their husbands came home for the day.  And honestly, I freaked out.  Really!?!?! I couldn't IMAGINE not brushing my teeth or pottying for hours on end.  And, horror of horrors, NOT showering!?!?! Are you serious?!?!?!?!

I think I have realized I have an unhealthy obsession with showering.  I love it.  I cannot go three or four or more days without showering!  In fact, I can't go more than 24 hours without getting in there!  So now my issue is finding time.  I *will* make time to shower!  I'll put that baby boy in a bouncy seat or for a nap or anywhere I can so I can feel clean again.  Yes, it will be a short shower in case he decides to be awake instead of asleep, but it's a shower no matter what!

I'm not sure how this will all work if we add another child into the mix.  I may have to wait to have the next child until this one can function by himself while I shower.  Either that or I'm going to do a lot of cleanup with the crayon marks on the walls.  To get my shower, I may just be willing to do that!  Either way, that shower is MINE!

What daily task can you not live without??

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's not in my control...

We've been struggling in our household lately.  Maybe, more accurately, *I* have been struggling in our household lately.  My frustration level has been quite high as well as my eating level.  It's amazing how easily food finds its way into my mouth when I'm stressed.  And I just have no idea why I can't lose weight.  Hmmm.  I feel like there's a direct correlation here...

So anyway, after some soul searching by myself, with Beth Moore and with my husband, I think I'm finally ready to deal with this issue.  You see, I want to control everything.  And if it doesn't go exactly to plan, I get upset.  Because, obviously, the fact that it's snowing is in my control.  So when it starts to snow and cancel my plans, I go find a cookie or chocolate milk or whatever I'm desiring.  The same happens when Jacob is fussing and I don't want him to.  I can change his diaper, feed him, make sure he's comfortable and he may still fuss.

So my new motto?  It's not in my control.  I can't control that it's snowing, that Jacob isn't happy playing, that my husband won't buy me a new car.  But God can.  The second part?  It's in God's hands.  I feel like this is the one reason I am getting through today.  My husband is at school teaching, and it's snowing.  I'm worried about him getting home safely.  But I can't control the situation.  The good part is I know the Person who can.  And I can talk to Him and He can fix it. 

So for now, it's in His hands, and out of mine.  And I'm good with that.  Now, if it can translate into not drinking a gallon of chocolate milk...

Do you have a daily saying to keep on keepin' on??

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One of "those" days...

First, I love how excited these people get in the French's commercial when they add mustard.  Really? No one gets that excited... sorry French's...

Ok, to the post.  Today is one of "those" days.  I think the last 24 hours have been one of "those" last 24 hours.  Jacob fell off the chair, he banged his lip on the play area today, and I forgot to get stuff from the grocery store last night so I have to go back.  Yep, one of "those" days.  I've decided the solution is to throw your hands up in the air, and eat some chocolate.  At least, that's how I've been dealing with "those" days.  Just ask my chocolate milk.

I know every mom has these kind of days, and that almost makes me feel better.  At first I think about how everyone must be judging my parenting since my child hurt himself again.  Now I've decided that's not what they're doing at all.  Now, they're reliving the moment when they did the same thing to their child. Maybe this isn't entirely true, but I really hope it is.  I'm not sure if it's a full moon lately, but the kids are getting worse.  One friend's daughter peed in the tub.  Another one spilled milk at 2:00 am.  At least I know I'm not alone in this.  There are others that are wanting to bang their heads against the wall too.

So the real issue is figuring out how to not bang your head and to turn your day around.  I know that I can change my day with my attitude.  I know I don't have to eat the pudding cups that I bought.  But what if I don't want to?  What if those pudding cups sound pretty darn good to me??  The problem is that not all mom's seem to give into this.  Those are the ones I want to be when I grow up.  And maybe God is just putting me through all of this so I can learn to do that.  For today, I might eat the pudding cup.  Tomorrow I'll learn how to deal with this...

Go on, tell me about your last one of "those" days....!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

My favorite place...

Lately, it seems that the grocery store has become my favorite place to be at.  I only say this because I'm there at least once a week.  I feel like I am perpetually making a shopping list and forever begging Josh for the car or some free time to get there.  How is it that I need to go to the store so often?!?  Maybe it's my new obsession with Chocolate milk...

I seem to find new obsessions quite often.  For awhile, it was oreo cookies.  But then I kept getting fatter, so I'm trying to stop that obsession.  For awhile it was wraps, onions, chips, etc.  Now it's chocolate milk.  So now I have to go to the store, because the gallon of chocolate milk I bought last Tuesday didn't make it a week.  I'd like to place complete blame on Josh, but we all know that's not true!

I try to act like it's because I forgot to get butter or that I don't have enough eggs.  Sometimes I try to pretend it's because there's nothing to make (even though I have about 20 hot dogs in the freezer).  And, let's be honest, if I can get out for a bit by myself, I will totally do that!  The only problem is coming home with the receipt.  Eeeeek.  Talk about getting in trouble! 

Today's defense?  I need fruit for Jacob.  And chocolate milk for me.

How often do you go to the grocery store???

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cooking from scratch...

I had a brilliant idea.  I forgot to buy sub rolls for the meatballs for dinner.  So, I'm going to make rolls.  Yep, you read it right.  I am making sub rolls.  Does anyone else want to pray for Josh and I because of our stomachs??  I'm pretty sure we might die... Or at least maybe some food poisoning??  I mean it, you all better pray.  And lots of it.

I feel like as a stay-at-home mom, I'm required to make meals from scratch.  Every single one of them.  And let's be honest, I do NOT like to do that!  I think it's because my mom and mother-in-law both do it.  Of course, not *every* meal is from scratch, but in a week at least 3 of them are.  And I am not measuring up!  Even though I'm making sub rolls from scratch, the meatballs are frozen from the store.  And the sauces are bottled.  But I'm making sub rolls!! HA!

It makes me wonder what I would have done if I had lived in the 1800s.  I'm pretty sure I'd spend the entire day in bed, crying.  Really, how did those women do it??  They NEEDED to be at home!  They had no refrigerator, electricity, vacuum cleaner.  My goodness.  I am grateful for living in the 2000s!!!!!!!!  I just can't imagine what Jacob will do when he's 20.  They'll probably have some button that makes your meals, no prep necessary.

Do you make meals from scratch???

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hats off to the dads...

Today at MOPS we talked about dads.  We had a panel of three brave men who came and answered our questions and gave advice of things they do and ideas they share with their wives that help them parent better.  At first, I was a little weary of how today would go.  You're just not sure if someone is going to gang up on them and verbally beat them up.  But it didn't go that way at all!  It was seriously awesome.  And it made me so thankful for my wonderful husband and fantastic dad!

The one thing that stuck with me is this.  Relationship without rules leads to resentment.  Rules without relationship leads to rebellion.  How true is that!  And what a challenge to moms and dads.  How do we find that delicate balance between rules and relationships so that our child is raised into a wonderful adult.  Sometimes I think I look to far ahead into what we will be heading into down the road, but I guess I could call it being prepared.  I know he won't remember playing with me on the floor right now when he's 16, but I still want to begin to build that relationship as well as define it with rules.

What a profound statement packed into such few words.  And they all start with "R"!  Yep, that's one of the things I took away.  Although everything else was very awesome, that was definitely the one thing I hope sticks with me forever.  And hopefully we can begin to create a solid relationship with Jacob now and also start teaching him the rules that he needs to abide by as well.

What is one piece of advice you wished you had known years ago??

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My trip to the dentist...

What an exciting topic!  Yes, the dentist.  Ugh.  In my mind, I had this unrealistic expectation that since I now stay-at-home, I could go to the dentist during the middle of the day when the sun was shining and birds were chirping.  Wrong.  Josh needed to watch Jacob, so I went this morning (when it was still dark out) at 8am to the torture chamber. 

I have to admit, I had a new dental hygienist today and she was fantastic.  Shout-out to Martha! Woot! And she was sort of gentle.  But my gums still bled.  Yes, if I would floss it wouldn't be this way.  But I hate flossing.  It's just so unnatural.  So I prefer instead to lose a pint of blood during my bi-yearly visit.  The good news?  No cavities!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the first time since I have been 18 that they have taken x-rays and I haven't had a cavity.  I thought my teeth were supposed to be worse after pregnancy?? Apparently, I should have more kids!  In due time, of course!

But as I was sitting in the chair tensing up and trying to not cry, I realized that in a few short years, I will need to bring Jacob to the dentist.  And somehow, I will have to make him believe this place is not the torture chamber I believe it is.  I will somehow have to make him think it's awesome.  And I'm not sure how to do that.  Not when I try to delay my appointments as long as I can before feeling guilty.  Oh dentist, why can you not be more enjoyable????

What is your worst and favorite part of the dentist???

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time to Upgrade!

 On our shopping trip, we headed to Target yesterday for an upgrade.  It seems the baby carseat that once held a tiny baby in it is now too small.  It's time to upgrade.

We went from little to big:

Dang, that kid is cute!! Anyway, it made me quit nostalgic.  Yes, I knew he would grow up.  But in my new mommy state, I figured it would take FOREVER.  And here we are, buying a big kid car seat.  Sigh.  This is the one we bought if you're searching for one!  I just don't know what to do with myself now.  He's almost crawling (more like scooting) and only wants to stand up.  What happened to this itty bitty baby of mine??

I guess the one good thing about growing up is he's a lot more fun.  Yes, it is absolutely wonderful to snuggle an itty bitty, but playing now is so much more rewarding.  And when we hang out with kids older than him, I just CANNOT wait to see how much more fun he'll become!  Let's just hope he soon learns to crawl/walk so he stops getting mad all the time!

When did you realize that your baby was growing old way too quickly??

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm a stressed out momma!

Do you ever have these days/weeks??  I really don't think I should complain because I *could* be working full-time.  But, I'm going to complain anyway.  Maybe I can pretend it's "venting" so it feels nicer.  This week we have a plethora of things going on, all of which are AWESOME fun!  Today, we are going shopping once Jacob wakes up from his nap.  Tuesday is a playdate, Wednesday is a funeral and set-up for MOPS, Thursday is MOPS, Friday is Mom's Night Out at the WOW Factory.  Seriously, that is a FUN week!  The part that stresses me out is preparation.

Before, I could just grab my purse and out the door I went.  Now, I have to get the diaper bag, bottles, food, water, snacks, bibs, burp cloths and whatever else I am momentarily forgetting.  If he's staying here, I have to write directions out for babysitters.  MAN.  I miss those days!!  I think the worst part is my mind preparing.  I can so easily get out of control about the things I need to do while sitting at the computer playing on Facebook.  But the moment I start preparing, it goes smoothly.  It's all a mind game!

It's almost become that it's just easier to stay home, so we do.  And I don't like that.  Even though we're parents, I still want us to go out and have fun.  Even if that means taking the harder route and packing up the kitchen sink.  So, while I blog and stress about getting things ready to go shopping, I'll try to remember that the end goal is worthwhile.  And we can go out with success!  Here's to hoping for a great shopping experience!!

What stresses you out???

Friday, January 14, 2011

The first question I'm asked...

Everytime someone finds out I have a small child, their first question is, "Does he sleep through the night?"  I think that's mean.  I now firmly believe this is a question that should never be asked.  I think, instead, they should ask, "When can I keep your child for a night?"

The reason why I do not like this question is because, obviously, the answer is no.  Jacob will tease us every once in awhile and pretend like he's "fixed".  And then he'll wake up the next night for an hour and a half.  Boo.  I almost want to lie.  I almost want to say, "Yes! He's been sleeping through the night since he was 3 weeks old!"  Yes, it would be a terrible lie.  But then I wouldn't have to listen to advice.  Yes, yes, we've done that.  Mmmhmm we tried that.  Yep, did that too.  At 7 months, we have tried EVERYTHING.  Besides putting him outside until the morning.  For some reason, people frown on that option.  Who knows why.

I won't lie.  I'll tell people the truth.  Yes, my child is over 7 months old, and no, he doesn't sleep through the night.  He'd rather hang out with mom & dad.  Even when mom threatens to sell him to the Russians.  I guess I should just be glad people aren't asking me if I'm pregnant again...

What is the first question you get asked???

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My guilty pleasure...

A reader recently mentioned that reading my blog is her guilty pleasure (Hi Rachel!)!  It got me thinking... I believe every mom has or should have a guilty pleasure.  I think it's essential for our sanity.  I believe firmly that without a guilty pleasure, we would lose it.  You would see a lot of moms in rooms with padded walls.  And I would definitely be one of them!

I felt the need to share my guilty pleasure.  Usually, it's television.  Currently, it's the Bachelor.  Yes, I know it's ridiculous and filled with crazies.  But I love it.  I love watching the drama unfold and the girls trying to get ahead.  I love the anticipation of the Bachelor picking the girl he wants to marry.  Really? So ridiculous!  There is no way a man can pick a woman through a show to marry for the rest of his life.  I think that's why most don't end up together.  But, it doesn't matter.  I love watching it!!

Josh, on the other hand, sighs, pretends to gag himself and goes to the other room.  Heehee.  I feel the same way about his choice of shows (hockey, football, soccer, basketball, etc.) so I think it's only fair.  I'm just grateful that every once in awhile he lets me actually watch my guilty pleasure!  I'm sure I have more than one, but that's the one that is currently in my mind...

What about you?  What is your guilty pleasure????

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I now like the thing I used to hate most...

Many years ago, if you asked me to shovel snow, I would most likely growl at you.  Under my breath of course.  And I would do it, but I would be angry.  So, as most of you know, some snow showed up over the last 24 hours.  About 4 inches I think?? I'm always pretty bad at estimating... if you're in Morgantown, correct me!  So it came as a big shock to myself that I wanted to clean my car off.  What?!?  This is the task I threatened Josh with every morning before work. 

I just have no idea what caused this shift in my desires.  I actually wanted to do it. And I was joyful doing it.  Except that the snow plow guy was staring me down.  That was weird.  So clean it off I did.  And then I moved it to a clean spot.  I feel so accomplished!  I think there maybe a few reasons why I wanted to clean off the snow. 

  1. I chose to do it.  No one was forcing me to, and there was no money at the end.  Although maybe I should pay myself.  That would be awesome!  Who wants to go out??? 
  2. I wasn't in dress clothes.  I wasn't in high heels and stumbling around.  I had my boots, heavy coat, gloves and sweatpants.  Yep, I'm in my sweatpants.  
  3. I wanted out of the house.  I think this is my strongest reason.  If I recall correctly, before this afternoon I hadn't been out of the house since Sunday.  Granted, some people came to hang with me yesterday, but I did not leave.  Except to run out quick and return a bracelet!  
 All I know is maybe this being a stay at home mom has created some habits and desires my husband may appreciate.  That and cooking!  He'll be happy when he comes home!!!!

Any strange desires you've developed??  Do you like to remove snow??

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Looking for the perfect mother...

I'm looking for the perfect mother.  The one who knows what to do in each situation to make the child stop screaming, or how to teach them perfectly, or how to keep them in bed when they want to get out.  I'd pick Super Nanny, but she doesn't have kids.  So she's out.  I'm looking for a mother who knows how to handle every situation with poise and grace.  She doesn't get mad, she doesn't get frustrated and she has solved the biggest childcare issues.

Right now, I'd ask her how to teach a child to eat without blowing raspberries.  How to get the same child to sleep through the night and take his naps.  I'd like to know what the best combination of foods are and whether the current food he's eating will prevent him from eating "real" food in a year.  I have so many questions for this perfect mother.  Where can she be found??

Truthfully, I know every mother says she's not perfect.  But truthfully, I'm pretty sure some are much closer than they realize!! Me? I think I'm doomed to be the bad example for the rest of my life!  See, my kid falls and bumps his head.  He spits his food out at me.  He gets it up his nose and then screams when I try to get it out.  He refuses to sleep the whole night through and most naps are a challenge unless he's exhausted.  And I'm pretty sure I've gotten the formula amounts wrong once or twice or more. And just today, I bounced him around so much he threw up on me.

So, perfect mother, where are you?! Would you please show yourself????

What disqualifies you from being the perfect mother??

Monday, January 10, 2011

The evil vacuum cleaner...

Today, I cleaned.  Please hold your applause!  I know, it's shocking!  Anyway, some ladies are coming over tomorrow and you could see fuzzies and such hanging out.  So I knew it was time.  I've been having some issues lately in deciding the best time to vacuum.  I had tried during Jacob's naps, but that was a bad idea.  He would wake up and scream for awhile.  So then I vacuumed only when Josh was home so he could calm Jacob down.  That seemed to work greatly!

So today I decided to wait until Jacob was awake and try to vacuum then.  Fail.  He screamed.  A lot.  So I held him and vacuumed.  I think I almost died.  That kid is heavy!  Anyway, the cleaning was less than neat but I think I got most of the spots!  Now I am left wondering what to do the next time.  I tried to reason with Jacob (which works well with a 7 month old) to tell him that I controlled the vacuum and he was safe.  We touched the vacuum and talked to it.  And then I turned it on again.  Screaming.  I know it seems silly to reason with a 7 month old but I've always promised myself I would give him reasons when I tell him no.  So I'm working on that with anything that scares him or that he shouldn't do.

But even with all of this reasoning, he is still scared.  He is still frightened of that machine, and I definitely do not want him to be!  Especially since I want him to do this chore when he grows older so I don't have to... HA!  I've questioned a few moms, but I still need more help!  Any tips??

What chore makes you want to scream??

Friday, January 7, 2011

The tale of the traveling poop...

I think my son has found a new game to play with me.  Lately, it seems that when we drive anywhere, he decides to poop.  Yes, yes, I'm all for getting things out that need to come out.  But this is becoming a little ridiculous.  As soon as we left on our way to a family party, he started the familiar sounds and facial expressions.  Ugh.  And then today, when arriving downtown, the familiar stench wafted to my nose.  Double ugh.

I don't very much like to change poop.  But that's not the worst part.  It's the fact that it's winter and it's cold.  On the first trip, we couldn't wait another hour and a half to change him.  Today, there was no changing pad in the building we were headed to.  So I did the horrible.  I changed him in the car.  You may not think that is horrible if you've never done it before. 

Let me describe the first situation for you.  I didn't feel it would be nice to have the door open and expose him to the frigid cold.  So I tried to change his diaper in his car seat.  Epic. Fail.  The poop was so far up the back and I couldn't get to it by myself.  So I called in Josh for reinforcements.  The kid was almost upside down while I tried to pry the poop off of him.  Goodness.

So today, I thought I'd take another route.  I decided I would just expose him to the cold.  Bad idea.  He screamed for the entire change.  Frankly, I was expecting some pee in my face based on the temperature.  Thankfully I didn't get it.  I know you were all thinking what a good story that would make!

So I'm out of ideas.  How do I change the poop without getting him cold?? I need ideas mommas! Help me out!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Those pesky people at the grocery store...

Today I took Jacob with me to the grocery store.  If you follow me on twitter, you know that my ham was bad and our dinner ended up being pepperoni and cheese subs.  I consider that a new low.  So I tried to talk Josh into stopping by on the way home and grabbing a few things.  He informed me that since I was going to be out, I could stop too.  Blasted.  Failed plan A. 

I had a play date at Chick-fil-a this morning, so I decided to go to the store afterward.  I thought it was a good plan.  The only problem I could foresee was Jacob not getting his morning nap and being a bit grumpy.  So we headed to the store, and he did pretty good.  If he started to fuss, I used the pacifier (aka Shut Up Stick per cousin Rachel).  The problem came when we got into line.  Since he couldn't see me, he got upset. 

I guess I'm used to being surrounded by other moms who understand.  They give that look of sympathy and compassion.  They understand.  They know what it feels like when your kid goes berserk.  Unfortunately, I was not around any of these people at the store.  Instead, I received looks that said, shut up that kid before I beat you to a pulp.  Ok, MAYBE that's a slight exaggeration.  Maybe they were just annoyed that he was making noise.  But really?  He's a baby!  And he was doing good!!!  And truthfully, I kind of like if he annoys those kinds of people anyway.  Next time I should encourage him to keep yelling...

Any secrets for grocery store shopping?  Any tips for disgruntled shoppers??

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I should be skinny by now...

I've worked out three days in a row now.  Three days!  And for almost an hour each!  The aerobic walking (no chuckles, children) takes 28 minutes and the firming is about a half hour.  Honestly, I am sweating like a beast after the first part.  And then my muscles are aching by the last part.  And the weight is steady.  Sure, sure it's muscle.  Yep, water weight.  Mhmm it'll start going down tomorrow.

ALL LIES.  I should be stick thin by now!  I should look like a Kardashian sister or a lingerie model.  Frankly, just putting in the DVD should make me lose a pound.  And since I've put it in three times = 3 pounds!  I am so proud of myself for actually working out, but every time the scale doesn't budge or, even worse, goes UP, I want to quit and eat a package of Oreo's.  My motivation plummets the minute this happens! 

So there's no hope for my muffin top.  I believe it will stay intact for 10 years until I convince my husband that a tummy tuck is in order.  I'm just going to have to buy huge tops and constantly walk around with my belly button sucked in to my spine (as my coach, Leslie Sansom says every time she yells tummy tuck).  And maybe, just maybe, I'll stop eating everything I see.  And I will finish that disgusting soup for lunch instead of trading it in for macaroni salad and chips.  And yes, that is what I had for lunch.

What issue do you face when dieting?  And what's your favorite program/exercise routine to help you keep the muffin top in control??

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Crying it out...

So, before today's post, I need to write about something I saw on TV.  Do you remember me talking about the post-pregnancy jeans?? I think I found them!!!!!!!!!!!  That's right, pajama jeans!  If any of you try them out, let me know what you think!  I think I'd have to do some serious convincing of Josh to get some...

So as of Sunday night, Josh and I agreed to begin working with Jacob to sleep through the night.  I was pretty sure it would be horrible.  I was pretty sure we would be awake for hours on end, and we would never sleep again.  Ok, I may be a little extreme.  Just a tad.  Good news?  It was no where near that!  The first night, he woke up around 3am and cried for about 15 minutes before going back to sleep.  WHAT?! Is that for real?? I was shocked beyond belief! 

Last night, he woke up at 5am for a quick pacifier reinsertion and back to sleep.  This is amazing!!  I can't wait for tonight in hopes that the sleep is amazing.  Man!  I think we're both kicking ourselves for not starting this earlier.  I think crying it out is a very good thing to do when done correctly.  Here was our plan:

  • Go in every 5 minutes to replace pacifier, flip over, cover with blanket, etc.
  • After one hour, pick him up, calm him down, and do whatever was necessary for going back to sleep.
  • If after 7 days there is no difference, stop and try something else.
We also made sure that Jacob didn't need the food.  He is over 18 lbs, has 4 meals a day with rice cereal in his bottles, and he's in the 75th percentile for weight.  I'm pretty sure he doesn't need to eat in the middle of the night!  We also bought overnight diapers so the potty is not an issue.

So that's what we did.  And it works!  And I wish we had done it much sooner!  Here's to more consistent and wonderful sleep!

Have you done cry-it-out?  What method did you use for sleep training?

Monday, January 3, 2011

The tip toe game....

We are finally back from our whirlwind trip!  We had such a wonderful time and Jacob completely enjoyed all of the attention and love lavished on him.  And boy did he get some awesome toys, clothes and books!  And a mini soccer ball.  How adorable!  So now the game is to find space for everything.  Josh says he's coming home tonight and reorganizing as well as throwing things away! 

As we were traveling, we learned a new game.  I would like to call it the "tip toe" game.  Jacob was very excited to sleep in the room we were in.  So excited that he woke up and hung out with us in the middle of the night.  The reason?? My tip toeing does not work.  I thought I could enter the room stealthily, take out my contacts, change into my pjs and get into bed without waking the baby.  I was seriously wrong.

I don't think I've ever held my breath or paused mid-motion than I did this past week.  It was amazing how easily I could just stop moving and wait.  At one point, I stood still for 3 minutes waiting for him to settle down.  I'm also amazed that apparently my husband has this tip-toeing ability.  And honestly, it makes me a bit jealous.  He needs to teach me the finer points of the game.

All in all, we survived sleeping in the same room and are very excited that it won't happen again for awhile!  Maybe by then he'll sleep like a log.  And I'll be able to learn how to tip-toe...

Have you ever had to tip-toe?  Do you have any tips or pointers????