Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Are the hormones still there??

Jacob turned six months old on Monday. Seriously?!? I can't believe he is this old already!!! What happened?!? I keep looking back at his baby pictures and I want my little peanut back! But the one thing I really remember is being pregnant. I think that is what is stopping me from having any more children (right now, anyway!)!

The one experience I had was quite embarassing. I was mortified a few times. You see, some commercials made me cry. Especially ones with mothers and daughters. I'm not sure why, but I would cry at the same commercial approximately 20 times. One time, they even had me cry to get someone else to do something (Steve S., you still owe me!). They tell you this occurs because of the hormones. Ok, I can accept that.

I cannot accept what happened a few days ago. A sappy commercial came on (the one with the brother coming home and the sister puts a bow on him and says he's her gift this year), and I started crying. WHAT?!?!? There are no hormones left! How did this happen?!?!? Did God leave a little bit left just to make me feel ridiculous every so often?!? And then, horror of all horrors, Josh caught me. He looked over, gasped, and shook his head. I don't know if he knows what to do with me in these situations!!

Somehow, it seems that after having Jacob, everything and anything can make me cry. I don't know what happened to my hormones, but they are all out of whack! It must be something that just resides in you for the rest of your life! I guess that's the heart of a mother. So, next time you catch me crying at a commercial, don't say a word!!!

What crazy thing did you cry at before or after being pregnant??


  1. Liz, that commercial made me cry, too! Except that comes from having a military husband, I think. If it makes you feel any better, I'm not currently and have never been pregnant, and today, in the SAUNA AT THE GYM I started crying at a blurb--not even an article!--in Woman's Day about what makes the holidays special for a bunch of the magazine's staff members! I only picked up the magazine because it had a picture of fudge topped with candy cane bits on the cover, and that's what I got! Go ahead and be sappy: it's the holidays, who cares! :-)

  2. I think hormones always play a role in a woman's life, but certainly the entire first year after giving birth. Don't consider it a problem to be sensitive and never let yourself think that its not "normal". Who defines what that is anyway?!?

  3. this is weird, but during Liam's first two weeks I sobbed every night because it was another day in, I couldn't believe he was already 1 day old, then 2 days old, then 3...

    pathetic. And what's worse, I still do it every few days! What's more frustrating to me than emotions right now is that I feel stupid all of a sudden. I was playing a gig tonight and it was like I'd never sight-read before in my life...I wanted to crawl into a hole. (I totally typed 'howl' instead of 'hole'...)

  4. Thank you all for making me feel better!!!! Kate, I love that you cry at that commercial too! Megan, I think that I should start defining the normal as me... but that's kind of scary!! Jayme, I understand completely! I totally feel like every day is flying by way too quickly and my little baby is becoming a big boy way too fast!! And I understand the "stupid" feeling. I can't think of words and I just ramble all the time these days. I feel bad for people talking to me!!!

  5. I'm like Kate: no babies, but I still cry. I don't think I even cried at funerals before 20 or so. But after then it was just stupid things that would set me off. Silly me. At least I have contacts to blame it on. :-P
