Friday, December 10, 2010

My bad restaurant baby...

Last night I met a great friend (woot! Hi girl!) for dinner. I was so very excited, but quite nervous about my little bugaboo. You just never know how things are going to happen. So I debated between a high chair and his carseat. I ended up using his carseat. Well, that was a bad decision. He wanted to be up and looking at people. So, I tried sitting him up, holding him, etc. Well, he was mostly quiet, but he was fussing. Nothing pleased him. Except for trying to grab my food. And frankly, that didn't please me.

So I think we need to take a break from eating out. I think people are going to have to come to our house from now on. This makes me sad. I keep thinking if I keep trying or if I do something different, it will work. Maybe he's ready to sit in the highchair now and if we do that he'll be an angel through dinner. And then I laugh. Because if this child is anything like his mommy used to be, there is nothing that will make him an angel.

So when does that switch happen? When does my baby become big enough to warrant a real seat? He can't have real food yet, but he likes to look around. Yes, I did try giving him some of the sauce on my pasta. He enjoyed it, but it wasn't enough to keep him quiet. I know it's important for him to go out so that he gets used to that environment and how to behave. But maybe it's just too early. Maybe I need to wait a month or two until that switch has happened and I can figure out which is best for him. Maybe I need to just keep trying and stop getting all worked up when he makes noise. Because really, babies make noise.

Experienced mom's, I need your help!!!! What would you have done/did you do in this situation??

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