Thursday, December 2, 2010

The runny nose of death...

Maybe a bit dramatic. My dear baby has had a cold for about a month. It seems to come and go. He's had a fever, cough, can't breathe, etc. And then it will mostly clear up. A few days later, back it comes! It's nasty!!!! It seems to be something that is going around right now, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with.

The problem in our household is the runny nose. When I am congested, I love to clear my nasal airways so I can breathe again. My baby? He would rather have snot running down his face without any interference. The pediatrician told me no more nasal aspirator for a bit. I guess it's a little dry up there? So now we wait for the boogies to escape. Is this too detailed?? The problem is, no matter what way I choose to remove the snot/boogies, screaming ensues.

It's amazing how much an 18 lb (yep, he's a little chunker) can move and wriggle around just so he doesn't have to get nose cleaned. I don't even want to know what the neighbors think we're doing to him when we try to clean him out. My favorite thing? As soon as I have removed my torture device (aka kleenex), he is fine again. Laughing, giggling, smiling. He is such a stinker!!!

Does your child have this issue too?

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how fast they get over what upsets them! Bryan throws a fit when I put anything on his head--which makes getting dressed a fun adventure! Hope Jacob's runny nose clears up soon!
