Friday, December 3, 2010

We missed out on all the fun!!

Because of the sniffles yesterday, we didn't go to MOPS. I was so sad! I literally kept watching the clock and thinking about what they were doing at that exact moment. And then when I heard great comments, I was so sad that I had no idea what they were talking about! Talk about a bummer...

I guess this is to be expected when your child is sick. But when it used to be just me, I never had to miss an event. It didn't matter if I had the sniffles. I guess the reason I miss things now is that my friends are mommies. And I know what it's like to have a sick child for the last month, and that is the LAST thing I want them to experience! Although I'm sure it's a good thing I'm doing, I just want to be with my mommies!

So it's time to invent some germ catcher so I can still go to MOPS. Some sort of tent covering that allows him to breathe but also allows him to come to every event I want too. Could you imagine seeing my kid under a tent? That would be pretty amusing for everyone but him. Don't worry, I'd make it clear so he could see out of it.

I always thought that only daycare babies got sick. So, since I stay at home and have no other children, Jacob should not be sick. I expected him to get his first cold at 5. Obviously that may have been a bit unrealistic, but in my mind it was quite lovely! Unfortunately I guess God didn't agree... haha!

What favorite event did you have to miss when your child was sick??

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