Friday, September 10, 2010

The glow of a Grandmother...

So I was enjoying a lovely lunch with my dear friend at Honey Baked Ham (word!) and a new mother walked in with her baby as well as her parents. The funny part? Although I noticed the mom, it was the grandma that caught my attention. I'm not sure if it was the beaming smile that seemed to fill up the entire restaurant or the giddy look she had while looking at her newest grandchild.

It made me think of my mom and how excited she has been about Jacob. Partly, I think the glow is because they haven't been up every three hours and can give the baby back whenever it's hungry. But, another part of me thinks it's this amazing patience they have. My mom has said that before. When I'm about to be at the end of my rope, she just gently reminds me that this too shall pass and to breathe.

What is it about a grandmother that is so calming not only to the mom but to the baby?? I feel like they just exert patience and sweetness and kindness. Now, I know this isn't true for EVERY grandmother. And, I know that sometimes the grandmother offers advice you just don't like. But there's definitely something to be said for that patience!!!

What's your favorite part about having "grandma" in your life???


  1. I made your blog! Ok, I'm the unnamed 'dear friend' at Honey Baked Ham. (So awesome to catch up by the way!) This blog is fantastic, I've read every word. Not sure about how I feel re: the leaky faucets. How does that happen!?! It sounds like something out of a scary movie! Haha! Love reading about your motherhood adventures. Thanks for keeping it real. I don't get the fish thing on your blog by the way... Love ya!

  2. YES you did!!! I didn't want to name you in case you were shy :-) I'm not sure the exact physics of the leaky faucets, but it happens! So, make sure those kleenex's or breast pads are nearby!! And I didn't get the fish thing either... apparently if you click on the area, it feeds them! Love you too!!!!
