Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The nap fairy...

Oh boy. Those darn naps. He used to do so good with his naps, and then all of the sudden, he thought it would be much more fun to hang out with mom instead! Unfortunately, mom needs some down time too!!

So as I was researching how to get him over this "45-minute nap intruder" I found that if you startle them around 40 minutes into their nap, they skip into the next sleep cycle without really waking up. So, how do you startle them?? Well...

Some people rub or pat their babe until they startle. Someone whisper a bit until the child moves a bit. Me? I stomp my foot on the ground. Ha! I tried to pat, I tried to talk, nothing. He still kept waking up. But stomping? Pure gold!!! You would have paid gold to watch my husband's face the first time I did this without telling him what I was doing. HAHA. That was priceless.

So, what do you do to ensure that your baby gets his/her sleep???


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You crack me up! I have so much to learn. You better believe I'll be tapping your shoulder to come up with ideas for things. Hope you're getting your rest. We need to do lunch again. I think I just want to come see this new floor stomping dance you do! :-)

  2. So maybe there is something to this... my boys (twins) sleep in the same room and i put them down together so they both cry at the same time then go to sleep. But one always wakes up after 25-30 min (the child varies) and probably startles his brother because when i go take the culprit out of the room, the other boy sleeps longer. But not an hour and a half! I am so jealous!! I will have to experiment and report back.
