Friday, September 3, 2010

Staying in Control... or not!

So, we are going away for the weekend to my husband's parents! I'm very excited to see them and spend some time, but also worried about our trip, etc. This isn't the first time we've traveled, but it still makes me nervous! And, it's supposed to actually get cold this weekend! So, it's the first time Jacob will be wearing a sweater! Ha - how funny that this is what I get excited about nowadays!!

Of course, my goal is to keep everything in my control. Jacob will sleep and eat on the trip when I want him to, he will take his naps when I tell him to, he will sleep over the weekend when I tell him too... Are any of you other mom's laughing?? Can I say, YEAH RIGHT!

I met a mom at a friend's wedding a few weekends ago. The one thing she said to me that continually sticks with me is that when I try to control things, they because even more out of my control. HOW TRUE!! This child thing has made me more flexible than I ever thought I could be! And, I'm really not even that flexible!!

So, what does that mean for this weekend?? That means, I need to relax! If he needs to eat while we travel, then we'll stop and feed him. If he doesn't nap when he's supposed to, we'll fix it next week.

What thing(s) do you try to control that never seems to work??


  1. Haha, I don't know if I'm allowed to read this blog or not since I'm not a mother, but I can say that I remember a quotation that grandpa used to have in the office at the shop - "The Hurrier I go, the Behinder I get!" I thought that fits in with trying to control everything :) Didn't know you had a blog, pretty fun to read! (and, uh, educational)

  2. Even boys are welcome :-) That way you'll understand your wife better!!! Heehee... and I love that quote!
