Thursday, September 23, 2010

My wonderful(?) new body...

When I was pregnant, the one thing I looked forward to was having my body back again after I gave birth. Even though my mother and sister-in-law both told me it wouldn't be that way, I decided they were wrong. My body would be my body again!

Well, like many things, I was wrong. My body has been transformed into a new state. I feel like by saying it's my "badge of honor" for giving birth to my child is just an excuse for the flabby tummy, stretch marks, and the scar from my c-section (as well as other saggy parts that shall not be mentioned).

On one hand, I am so amazed that my body could create and sustain a human being. On another hand, I mourn the body that I used to have! Oh to actually have a flat stomach again! Ok, well, I never really had one of those, but it was firmer!

The truth? I would never, ever trade in this post-baby body because it would mean that I wouldn't have Jacob. And every stretch mark is worth it!!

So what part of your pre-baby body do you miss??


  1. I was at the Dr once when I was pregnant and I was complaining about my stretch marks. The nurse told me a lady who she just saw a few hours earlier who couldn't get pregnant and she was dieing to have stretch marks, or a flabby tummy or anything, as long as she could get pregnant. I never complained again after hearing that. I felt horrible for even thinking about complaining about it. - By the way, I l.o.v.e. your blog! - Caitlin

  2. Like you, I wouldn't trade a thing! My LO was worth it!
