Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The smell of poop...

Well, if that title didn't grab your attention, I'm not sure what will! So as I am feeding Jacob at 12:30am and 5:00am, I realized that something very bad was going to happen. I was going to have to change a dirty diaper. The interesting thing?? It happened twice both times. That is a total of FOUR stinky diapers last night. That is a LOT of poop for a little boy who before wouldn't poop for days!!

As I change the diaper, I breathe in a long breath of fresh air, and then breathe through my mouth until the new diaper is on. MAN, those things are nasty!!! I'm not sure if it's because of solids or just issues going on in the digestive area. But dude, those things could knock a person out!! It's funny, whenever I change a dirty diaper and Josh goes in hours later, he says it still stinks. Maybe that's a diaper pail issue?? Anyway, it lingers!!

I heard all the time when he was firstborn, "Wait until you start solids!" And I thought, geez, these are bad already! Guess what - they get worse!! So, if you are able to breathe as you change your little ones diaper currently, I hope you now realize that this will soon end. And if it gets worse, I don't want to know!!!

When did you start holding your breath while changing diapers???

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