Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Mom Advice...

So, today was the busiest I think I've been since Jacob was born!! I went to our MOPS program this morning, started a biblestudy with a friend this afternoon, and am going to a party to celebrate my husband's successful defense of his thesis!! WHEW! I am TIRED. All I want is to curl up in a ball and sleep for a month or two!!

At MOPS today, I met a soon-to-be mom. All I said to her was, "SLEEP NOW!" Ok, I may have said it about ten times. Anyway, it made me think of all the advice I received when I was pregnant. It was pretty constant! But, now, being a mom, I've decided it's time for me to give my advice too! Why? Because I know what she's feeling!!

Isn't it funny?? While pregnant, I enjoyed the stories, but a lot were over the top. So, now, with this new found knowledge, what should I impart to new mom's?? What nuggets of wisdom do I have that I can help them with??

I mean, there are just so many things!! My dear friend Kate can attest, as I talked her ear off a few weeks ago with everything I wish I had known before I gave birth! So, let's limit it to the top 5. Here's what I want every pregnant woman to know...

  1. Getting up to pee is not like getting up to nurse. When you get up to pee, you easily and quickly fall back asleep. You are not responsible for picking up a squirming baby, feeding and burping baby without dropping them, and getting them back to sleep safely. I specifically remember falling asleep burping Jacob one night. It was a second, but it was crazy!!
  2. The intense love everyone talks about may not come right away. I think it took me a month to really intensely love Jacob. I was his fierce protector, but a little jealous that my relationship with my husband would never be the same again...
  3. Talking about bodily functions is normal. You will talk about your child's bowel movements and how many wet diapers they have a day. And, if you're breastfeeding, those suckers will leak. EVERYWHERE.
  4. Speaking of leaking, make sure you have something to get out of the shower with. They will leak immediately and you will not be able to move. Really.
  5. No matter how bad your day is, when you get home or the baby wakes up and he/she gives you a smile, everything will melt away. And, in that moment, it is ALL worth it. Every single moment!
So, what advice would you give a pregnant woman?? And what advice did you hate receiving??


  1. Liz! This blog is great! I just saw it posted on facebook and didn't even realize it was you writing it until I really looked at! You are a wonderful writer by the way!

    My best advice, having an almost 5 year old in a month, is enjoy every. single. moment. It is AMAZING how time flies so quickly. Every single age has such wonderful, different things about it. And then all of a sudden you have this little 5 year old adult. It seems like it was just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. Even when they are crying at 3 means they still need you. I almost wish my son would still need me in the middle of the night (nightmares will take care of that for me some nights). And believe me, I'm a sleeper, I need my sleep, but I willingly jump up for him in the middle of the night if he needs me! All in all, just enjoy it. Every day, week, month brings new things that they are learning about life. Its amazing how a child views their world!

  2. I am catching up reading this and loving it. THe advice is so true! SOme of the stuff (like the leaking faucets on your body coming out of the shower) you just kind of wonder if you should tell that mommy to be or not....but hey, I guess knowledge is power.
