Monday, November 22, 2010

Another play date!

I'm so excited! Tomorrow is a play date with some mommies from my home group. As long as Jacob is feeling better (cross your fingers and send us some good vibes & prayers!) we will be attending! I'm so looking forward to it I can't wait. And, it's at 10am, so that means I don't have to get up super early!! Yay!!

Does it matter that my child is almost 6 months and doesn't play?! Absolutely not! Someone said that play dates are more for mommy than for baby. And I totally agree! Some adult time and conversation is exactly what I need! Yes, there will still be crying and fussing, but it won't just be me vs. baby. It'll be me and some other mommies vs. a few kids. And where there are numbers, there is POWER! Heehee...

I won't have to clean, or pick up toys either. I'll get to sit and chat. I'll get a mental break! You won't find me singing the ABC's or picking lint out of toes either. Because that would just be weird in public! Yes, I'll still have to bring blankies and binkies and little animals that sing. But for a few minutes tomorrow, I'll get to talk to people who can talk back. And I am EXCITED about that!!

What is your favorite part of play dates???


  1. Was today's play date really for the moms? I think you worked very hard running around after my daughter. She had a blast. We are going to have to do it again some time this Winter.

  2. Hahaha, I think it still was! I got a break from my baby...ha! and I LOVED playing with Allison! So glad she had a blast... hope she has a great birthday!!!
