Thursday, November 18, 2010

Talking talking talking...

I think it's safe to say that Jacob will be a verbal person like his mommy. Daddy's just a tad bit quieter than mommy. Hahaha, ok a lot quieter than mommy! But our little boy? He LOVES to talk. I have to admit it's pretty darn cute. Well, as long as it's not in the morning.

You see, he started this new little habit. When he wakes up, we bring him into our bed for a little bit more sleep time and a slower start to our day. Well, that was the idea anyway. Now, he has decided that he would like to talk instead. So, while Josh and I have our eyes closed and try to fall back asleep, our little bumpkin is "telling" us all about his night.

But it truly doesn't stop there. Throughout the day he'll all of the sudden start yelling. I can't figure out what causes it or where it starts, but he loves to tell me things. He'll put his hands on my face and talk away. And that is not Josh. That is me. HA!

Who does your child(ren) take after??

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