Saturday, November 20, 2010

I like to read...

I didn't post yesterday because I was engrossed in a book. That's right, my nerdiness level just jumped about 20 points. And that's not in the good direction! I would have to say my one and only hobby is reading. And I really, really like to read. So, when my mother gave me six books for my reading enjoyment, I knew it would be dangerous.

You see, I am a skimming reader. I try to skip over the descriptions (who really cares about what the flower looked like... ya know?) and get to the important stuff. Sometimes I miss an important point, so I have to review. But, for the most part, I don't miss anything important. So, because of this, I can read a 300 page book in a day.

Here's the issue. Now that I have a child, I can't block out the entire world and spend a day wrapped in an afghan drinking hot chocolate in my own little world. Now I have to actually put the book down and take care of Jacob when he wakes up. This is very hard!! I get so engrossed in the book that the characters become real. And a crying child is usually not in my books.

So the moral is I'm not sure if this is a hobby I have to give up, if I can only partake when Josh is home, or if I need to learn to detach better from the imaginary characters. Just because they're not real doesn't mean I shouldn't be involved in their lives!!!

Did you have to give up or modify a hobby once your little one was born???

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