Friday, November 12, 2010

I am the formula queen...

So Jacob is on a new formula as of his last doctor's appointment. We put him on a soy formula to help with his reflux. He's doing SO much better with it! It smells nasty though... but, hey, it works! So in order for him to eat, I need to have this formula. Obvious, right? Yep!

So first I went to Kroger (where we normally shop). Did they have it? No. I figured of COURSE Walmart would have some! I stopped by, ONE CAN. One measly can! How am I supposed to feed my kid with one can?!?!? Ok, it'll last for a week or so, but I need more than that.

So I went to Target. I bought EIGHT cans of formula. These are not the sample cans. They are the HUGE cans. Did you see that? EIGHT. I cleaned off their shelf. There is none left after I exited the store.

I think there's some internal crazy mom that comes out when I need to feed my child. I've threatened people in the road who are going to slow if it's time for Jacob to eat and they are in my way. I'm ready to TACKLE them. Yes, tackle. So, of course, I would need eight cans. Because obviously two wouldn't do it.

What crazy feeding-your-child mom thing have you done?!?

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