Thursday, November 4, 2010

Grumpy Gills...

A very good friend in college's actions 4 years ago always makes me laugh when I hear this phrase. Totally defeats the purpose!! (Kathryn and your pretend gills...)

Anyway, I'm a bit of a grump today. I think it's the nasty outside weather. I think that it's because I was up at 2am (unstuck arm from crib slot), 4am (feeding) and 6:30am (food for MOPS!). Boooooo. Although MOPS was pretty stinkin' awesome. As always! If you have one near you, get your tushie to it!!

So the topic of MOPS today was dealing with hard issues. We discussed some awesome things, like potty training, dealing with toddler questions, separation anxiety and sleeping through the night. Obviously, the last one is my issue! So many women supported Babywise (which is what we've been attempting to do) which shocked me! Definitely the quiet force... And yet, their babies sleep and mine really doesn't (yes, 7 hours straight is awesome! But I want 12!!!!!). So as I kept talking to other moms, I realized the issue was that I haven't let Jacob cry-it-out.

Now, crying it out is not as horrible as it sounds. If I let him "cry it out", it would be in small intervals where I calmed him every so often. But I can't even seem to do this. At 4am, I don't want to calm him every five minutes. I want to SLEEP. In my mind I realize that if I do this for a few days straight, I could have 12 hours of sleep for months. Yet it just doesn't seem like I should do it. Sigh.

So this is why I'm grumpy. I can't figure out what to do. It's like Paul talks about in Acts how you know the good you ought to do but don't do it. I know what will be best in the long run, but can't handle the short run. And most of me thinks I should just be happy with 7 hours. Ugh.

I need advice. What would you do???


  1. Grumpy gills!!! Love it!

    I haven't done the cry it out stuff yet... it wouldn't go over well with my 7 week old... I plan on trying it when he gets a little old though.

    I hate to say it but it may just take some patience on your part, which I know for us is really not easy. Let's face it. We like sleep. Seven hours is really good though-- I'm impressed by even that! I'll be praying for you! Muah!

  2. Heehee... I always think of you!!!!! Yeah, I shouldn't write posts about how he sleeps, because it always gets worse after I write about it. Maybe I need to write how awful he sleeps and then he'll sleep better?? I can't believe Gideon is 7 weeks already!!!!!!!!
