Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I have a...

Muffin top. This blog is supposed to be about honesty. And frankly, I can't get anymore honest than this. Now, you skinny no-baby ladies, hush up. And stop making that face. One day, this will be you... and you will think back on this post and realize the truth I am speaking.

Yes, I used to fit into my pants. If I had a bit of a muffin top, I knew it was time to change jean sizes. But it's different now. I'm not upgrading my jean size. My pants fit everywhere except for the belly area. And I will NOT be upping jean sizes. If I do, I might eat myself into oblivion. So I will have the muffin top. And I will not be proud.

But there are ways to help out the situation!
  1. Spanx. God's gift to women.
  2. Baggy shirts. Although this is a dead giveaway that there's some muffin topping underneath.
  3. Sweatpants. This cures the muffin top.
Which one will I choose??? I'm not telling!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which would you choose??? (Don't worry, I know you don't have a muffin top!!)


  1. I don't yet have any spanx, but I might invest. The other two are always my friends, plus the stretchy jeans that just so nicely sit high enough on me to smooth the area out- at least from the outside. Here's to you being brave and I'm being brave with you! And I'm eating Cinnamon Streussel multigrain soy crisps because I won't give up sweets, but I'm trying to make them low cal. But then I just end up eating twice as many. Yeah, I think I'll be needing the sweatpants, stretchy jeans, and lose in the tummy tops until who knows when, maybe forever.

  2. I meant loose in the tummy - I wish I would lose in the tummy.
