Monday, November 1, 2010

Last Night, I slept....

Mmmmm. Gloriousness. I slept for 7 hours STRAIGHT. Did you get that?? 7 HOURS STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! I could have slept longer (Jacob actually slept 10 hours straight) but I had to go potty. This was the first time in 13 months that I have actually slept a full night. Wowee!! And the funny part? I don't feel that much more rested!!

I feel like finally our day has come. Finally we will sleep in this house! Except that Jacob was so exhausted last night he screamed instead of eating. So I'm pretty sure we'll get 2 hours of sleep tonight. Ha. It always seems like the day I feel we've turned the corner is the day that everything falls apart. I wonder when I will realize that this sleep thing is not under my control!

When Jacob stopped sleeping around 3.5 months, I tried everything. Shorter naps, longer naps, more wake time, less wake time, solids, no solids, earlier bed time, later bed time. NOTHING worked! I think it's finally beginning to sink in that no matter what schedule I put him on or what outside controls I try to use, he will still do what he wants. Let's just hope he wants to sleep!!!

Do you remember the first night your little one slept through the night?? What was your reaction??


  1. I think it would be cruel and unusual punishment if I speak of when I slept through the night at 7 weeks....God blessed me in that area. Ok and now all of you hate me.

  2. Haha I had to laugh and Lindsays comment. Kerrigan slept through the night at 5 weeks!
    She goes to bed at 7:30pm and gets u at 7:30am!
    And now you hate me too! :)It will get better!

  3. Yep, you both are on my list. HA. Just kidding!! I'm hoping one day Jacob discovers that he likes to sleep and does it a lot!! But I'm glad you two are getting tons of sleep!
