Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A sick household...

Yep, we're sick. All of us. It didn't start that way though. First, the baby got sick. Then daddy. Now mommy. This makes me unhappy. In my past life, I could take a sick day. I could lay on the sofa all day, sipping my hot tea (or whatever would make me feel better), sleep all day, and drug myself. Now? Hahahaha. Like I could do any of that!

So, now, with a sore throat, throbbing head, and stuffy nose, I get to still get up 3 times in the middle of the night and drink my hot tea when Jacob is napping. This mothering thing is not so nice sometimes! Where is my sick day?!?! These are the days I wish I could ship Jacob to daycare. Sorry baby, momma isn't feeling well. Someone else is going to take care of you until I feel better. LOL.

At least I have my husband's promise that as soon as he's feeling better, he'll let me sleep for a night. So, here's to praying and hoping he gets better SOON! Heehee.

What is your least favorite part of being sick or attending a sick one??


  1. Being sick is no fun...ever. But when you have a household to run, job to do, kids to care for...especially if they're sick's especially hard! Thankfully, whenever I've been sick enough that I can't get off the couch (not often, PRAISE THE LORD!!!), I have been able to call on gracious family members to come help me out or take the kids for a few hours. Thankfully, that kind of feeling (can't get off the couch) is usually just for a day, then I can start to function again a little. The hardest part, I think, about being sick and having other responsibilities is how self-centered I become.
    Pray for strength and healing. God will get you though. I hope you ALL get better very soon!'s nice to get to sleep through the night once in a while whether or not you're sick! ( HINT, HINT, Josh! ) : )

  2. Heehee... Thanks Karin!!! I made sure I showed Josh your comment :-D
