Thursday, November 11, 2010

Itchy itchy itchy!!!

I have a problem. I'm itchy. I've been itchy before, but not like this. It started around the third trimester of my pregnancy. Everywhere. No matter what I did, I itched. Now, it's not like PUPPPS (is that right? anyway, I hear that is HORRIBLE). But it's itching, nonetheless! So it was one of those things I expected to end with pregnancy.

And then it continued. The worst? My armpits would itch when I was breastfeeding. Do you know how hard it is to itch when you're breastfeeding?? If you don't, let me sum it up for you. IT'S HARD. Ha! So as I was reading up to find out if I have issues, I found out that when you breastfeed, there is a gland that sweats that makes your armpit itches. Interesting, eh??

Here's my problem. I stopped breastfeeding. And my armpits? They're still itchy. This is an issue in public. At home, I can itch and itch and itch. In public? I look like a monkey. I've tried creams, moisturizers, body oils... nothing helps. It just itches, and itches and itches! So if you see me in public itching, no laughing, ok?

Do any of you have this issue?? If you do/did, what helped???

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