Friday, October 22, 2010

Daddy needs a pacifier....??

Let me start this post out saying that I dearly, dearly love my husband, and he is the best daddy ever!!! Now, with that being said, sometimes, he just says and does the craziest things. As I was lamenting with a dear friend, she said that she wishes sometimes there was a pacifier for her husband. HA. I'm leaving her nameless so she doesn't get in trouble... heehee.

I have to say I totally agree. Although he is very good at coming home and pitching in, I want to give him a pacifier those times that he complains about changing one diaper every other day. Or when he whines about the puking, after I've been covered in puke all day. Sometimes I want to take that pacifier I use for Jacob, and plug it right into his mouth!! It makes me wonder how many times he wants to do the same thing to me!!

Having a child really does change the dynamic of your marriage. I didn't need a break before, and no one would have complained about changing a diaper a year ago, because there was no diaper to change! His one comment that always gets me riled up (and he knows it does, so he says it!) is "I need a break" after playing with Jacob for a half hour. My response?? SERIOUSLY?!?! And then he laughs. Silly man...

What does your significant other do that makes you want to give him/her a pacifier???


  1. you said about josh...michael is VERY helpful and a VERY hands on daddy...BUT i cannot stand it when he comes home and holds her for about a minute and then says "ok, im finished, i really need to use the bathroom" or "ok, i need to get a snack now, im starving"!! really?! cause i havent used the bathroom or eaten a thing all day!!! :)

  2. HAHAHA! I love love love that I'm not alone on this! We're going to have to teach these boys how it really is going to be!! I can't wait to see you in 10 days!!!!!!!

  3. There needs to be a national holiday week called Stay at home Dad Week (or stay at home opposite parent from the one who usually stays home as the case may be. Steve found this amazing trip we took to the beach this September totally unrelaxing because of Shane's shenanigans...but this wasn't because Shane was unusually fussy- he was just his normal self, but Daddy had never been with him all day long for a full week (and let's remember that Mommy was there with him- he wasn't doing it alone). So...speaking as a previously judgmental working woman who used to think that everything would be perfect and laid back when I was at home full time with my child- full-time mommying is certainly one of the most difficult jobs in the world!
