Monday, October 18, 2010

How to "call" your child...

On Saturday, my dear friends Robin & Jason stopped by. Old Navy has an AWESOME sale right now where you get a free child's item for every adult item you buy. And since they don't yet have children (although I'm hoping they will SOON!), they got things for Jacob. How awesome are they!!! (Answer: REALLY awesome!)

As they were hanging out with us, I started "calling" Jacob to get him to look at me. You know what I mean, right?? Almost like you call a dog. Which, since Robin & Jason have a dog, they understand. In fact, they told me it's ok to do that. But it's more like I'm calling a horse than a dog. So then I tried to make the parallel between a child and a horse. It was a shining moment for me as a mom.

Isn't it intriguing how we "call" our children when they're babes? We know they'll look when they hear noises, so we make the most amazing and loud noises we possibly can! And I do it quite often. Sometimes I'm afraid the neighbors are going to mistake my child for an animal. At least I think that until he starts screaming. Then I'm pretty sure they know it's a baby.

So how do you "call" your child???

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