Friday, October 1, 2010

What happened to me??

When I used to go out with people, the range of topics would be great. My job, my husband, chores, activities, funny stories, etc. Last night, I went out with some awesome mom's from MOPS. And do you know what my conversation was about???? Yep, you mom's know!! It was about Jacob. All of it! His poop, his eating habits, pregnancy issues... I guess you could say that is what we had in common... but really??

What happened to the interesting me?? The one with entertaining activities and lots of stories? It makes me mourn what has happened, although honestly I think it's an ok change. I swore I wouldn't be the frumpy mom in her sweats in the grocery store. I broke that one awhile ago! At least I still try to dry and style my hair most days! I don't know what I'll do if I have another one though!

So what is this miracle that happens as soon as we give birth?? And stay-at-home? Do we ever get back that fun, sexy, stylish person we used to be??

What part of the "old you" do you miss???


  1. I miss my abdominal muscles. I had to laugh reading this. I feel the same way sometimes, except I don't have time to get out to exchange stories about poop with anyone else. Too hard to lug three babies around, and we're not supposed to take them anywhere but the doctor for the time being. Guess I have to be satisfied with the internet for now. And... I'm wearing sweats. But I did get a shower today. :)

  2. I too laughed when I read this post. I consider it a successful day when I have showered and brushed my teeth before noon! It is amazing how much you can find to say about baby poop, nursing, sleeping and eating habits, baby noises, and diaper malfunctions! As for what I miss about the old me...the ability to grab my purse and run out the door. Leaving the house has become a production in itself that involves a great deal of planning, preparation and perfect timing!
